The enemy within….

Terrorist Defender Gets Influential Justice Post
Concerns raised after lawyer for John Walker Lindh gets promoted to head Gitmo policy at Justice Department
‘..J. Christian Adams, once an elections lawyer who accused the Justice Department of racial bias in its decision to not prosecute a voter intimidation case involving the New Black Panther Party, said Tony West’s promotion from assistant attorney general for the Civil Division to acting associate attorney general isĀ one more step toward letting radicals run the Justice Department…’

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5 Responses to The enemy within….

  1. Darin says:

    Whoever replaces Obama is going to have to spend the first year cleaning house of all these incompetent hacks,traitors and criminals Obama has installed. :evil:

  2. Andrei says:

    Too late, the whole court system is infested with these people.

    The founding Fathers would be astonished as to what the constitution provides rights to – sodomy, abortion etc while not allowing things like the Lord’s Prayer at football games.


    • KG says:

      Did you get my email, Andrei?

      • Andrei says:

        Yes and I replied – It depressed me.

        You are not a believer, I gather, but I am and there is some really scary things going on in the Spiritual sphere being manifested here on Earth. That is just a small insight into something really bad that is going on – a minor thing in itself but part of something really horrible.

        • KG says:

          I believe in a Creator, Andrei but I’m by no means what you’d describe as a Christian and certainly not a member of any church.
          And I don’t need to be, to see what’s happening and regard it as a disaster.