36 months.

Australia: ‘THREE youths who raped a young married mother in her country home as her two children slept in another room have been handed the maximum possible penalty in a Children’s Court.
The Sudanese youths – aged 14, 16 and 17 at the time of the January 2011 rape – sat whispering and giggling among themselves before the magistrate sentenced them this afternoon…’
Perhaps the Immigration Minister would care to write the young mum a letter, explaining to her the benefits of diversity? I’m sure it will make her feel much better.
Update:  ‘Age masterclass: how not to report an inconvenient truth’

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13 Responses to 36 months.

  1. octagongrappler says:

    Yep a letter about the diversity dividend. This actually makes me distressed for this women and family.

    Those scum giggling :evil: when will this end, well it wont and its getting worse.

  2. The Gantt Guy says:

    The problem, of course, is that our civilized concept of “prison” is somewhat different from theirs. Far better that they serve their time in their medieval homeland. Of course, they won’t be deported after they serve their 12 months (unless the rules have changed, I seem to recall something about parole becoming available after one third of a sentence has been served, it I may be wrong on that)

    • octagongrappler says:

      Gantt, Wants a bet they come out of Prison with degrees from monash that they did while inside. Then a jobs on sbs or in the alp research unit :evil:

      In Auckland we have problems with somalian youth gangs.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Oh? I confess they’re not a demographic I’ve encountered when I’ve been home. They must congregate in “other” parts of jafaland.

        • octagongrappler says:

          Morningside gant :evil: It was in the paper they are fueded with DMS Dope,Money,Sex a brown youth gang from Mt Albert.

          It could be worse and there be middle eastern gangs :shock: …..

          • The Gantt Guy says:

            Oh well, hopefully Darwin will do his work and Morningside will become habitable again (or for the first time). :mrgreen:

  3. Scumsucker says:

    A friend wrote this on my facebook page today:

    ‘Mate I went into renew my license tofay and I kid u not this guy walked in who looked like Gadaffi wearing what looked like an airline captains uniform with SGT stripes and everything..he was wearing what looked like a million $$ of gold as well..I came to the conclusion that he was a taxi driver..!!’

  4. Kris K says:

    Absolutely disgusting and about par for the course where these [Islamist] savages are concerned. These little pieces of human excrement wouldn’t even know the meaning of remorse. And why are we surprised when their ‘faith’ teaches them that infidels are little more than animals, and that white infidel women are fair game and only there for their sexual gratification.

    I’m afraid if I was the husband I might be tempted to take the law into my own hands and measure out my own justice – a more permanent solution.

    I take it, KG, this was in Oz as it was reported in an Oz paper?

  5. Kris K says:

    This is even worse than first appearances, KG – from your update link above:

    “Four other men have been charged over the gang rape.”

    So it sounds as though this poor woman was in reality raped by SEVEN male Sudanese [Muslims]; four adult and three teenage males.

    The death penalty would be too good for these sub-human [Islamic] savages!!!

  6. Scumsucker says:

    I would only agree to the death penalty for these monkeys if the bullets were dipped in pig fat first.

  7. KG says:

    Until we,the people grow a pair and start dispensing justice ourselves, nothing will change.
    That’s the inconvenient truth.

    • Darin says:

      Geez how did I miss this one? :oops:

      Hummm seems to me that 14 years old in Sudan is middle aged they should have been tried as adults.On the other hand what difference would that make? 48 months instead of 36? Not much justice for a vicitm who will suffer from now on.