“My favourite Anglosphere politician”

Daniel Hannan:
‘….For some Lefties, a brilliant man with demotic appeal is a class traitor; their sense of betrayal is compounded by the fact that Abbott is a Roman Catholic who inexcusably refuses to be either Labor or republican. To top it off, the Liberal leader is guilty of what are, in the eyes of Australia’s bien pensant elites, the three unpardonable heresies of our age: he believes in God, opposes eco-taxes and wants to scrap restrictions on free speech…’
It’s a nice tribute to Tony Abbott, who looks better every day as the filthy rabble in the present government look more and more like a bunch of squabbling rabid jackals.

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14 Responses to “My favourite Anglosphere politician”

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    Damn right, KG. he’s pickd up where Farage left off and become a lot more effective as well.

    He’s bang on the money with Abbott as well. I only hope when Abbott is elected next year, he lives up to the hype.

    • KG says:

      He’ll have a massive job in front of him, Gantt. The media, unions, industrial courts etc etc will all be howling in outrage at every move. But his centre of gravity is in the things that count at least, not some “social justice, remake Australia” bullshit.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Agreed, and if he is the student of history he appears to be, there is some promise. The Liberal leaders who have had messes to clean up have made some wildly unpopular decisions, at the rid of leading one-term governments, but have dine the right thing and ended up leading the country over several terms. I’m referring of course to Menzies and Howard. He’s going to have a massive job to do and a well-organized opposition, but if he makes the media cop the first head in the chopping block he may get some clear air in the media for the other needed reforms.

  2. KG says:

    grrr…..shocking connection here.

  3. KG says:

    Just so long he doesn’t get white-anted by the pro-Turnbull faction…

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Why do you think he hasn’t Rudded Turnbull before now? I mean seriously, the guy is the communications spokesmuppet, but I’ve never heard him talk about the NBN because every time he opens his yap he’s banging on the fucking climate chane drum. I mean seriously, isn’t there someone else who can represent Wentworth?

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Sorry mate, I gotta get to bed, ,but look forward to your answer tomorrow.

      • KG says:

        The whole Turnbull thing just baffles me. The creep should have been marginalized by shuffling him off as ambassador to Burkino Faso or somewhere years ago. Trouble is, he has some very influential backers and still has his rheumy eye on the top job.

  4. Kris K says:

    Lets hope Abbott stays true to course, and that conservative and freedom loving Aussies give him their full support.

    Now if only NZ had the equivalent of an Abbott …

  5. kowtow says:

    I reckon Stephen Harper in Canada is up there too.

    Wouldn’t it be great to get decent conservative leaders in all the Anglo countries at the same time? Cameron of the UK does not count in that number of “decent conservatives”.