Muslims..let’s import more of them. They’ll improve our societies no end.


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42 Responses to Muslims..let’s import more of them. They’ll improve our societies no end.

  1. Brian Smaller says:

    Obama said they weren’t dragging the ambassador’s corpse through the streets. They were taking him to hospital. What a cowardly fucking cunt that man is – a disgrace. Romney needs to use that image in his election advertising.

    • KG says:

      I wonder what his response will be to the fact that one of the embassy staff was literally torn apart and the body parts distributed among the mob as “souvenirs”? It was an anatomy class? :evil:
      But of course, Brian, these barbarians are a “tiny minority” of muslims. Not typical at all. Nossir.
      No more than the more than 19,000 attacks by muslims since 9/11 are typical. Just a very busy minority……

      • MIchael in Nelson says:

        KG I can’t find this (the dismemberment) anywhere. Do you have a link? There are others I’d like to inform.

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          hmmmm. Interesting. It was all over the early reports, but seems to have been sent down the memory hole. Don’t want to upset the Muslim world by being insensitive now do we?

      • john says:

        Obviously a lot of dedicated compassionate medical professionals in Libya, KG. Free ride to the hospital, heroic surgical procedures…. why even when Gaddafi expired there were those who cared enough to give him a colonoscopy.

        • KG says:

          Don’t even joke about it, John…next minute, Reuters and CNN will pick it up and that’ll be the “official” version of what happened.

    • john says:

      Very pithy description Brian :mrgreen:
      For myself, I don’t even think of him as a piece of shite anymore- that’s too honest and substantial. What comes to mind is a sneaky wet fart that ends up as a skid mark on the y-fronts.

      • Michael in Nelson says:

        eeeewwwww!!!!! John…at my age that is no longer a joke :x

        Three rules for old men…..

        1. Never go past a toilet

        2. Never waste a hard-on

        3. NEVER TRUST A FART!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        Just sayin’

    • Diamond Mair says:

      Reports are coming out that the Ambassador was, in addition to being MURDERED, RAPED :gunner

      Of course, given his ‘predilections’ Øbama would just claim they were showing him a “good time”

      Semper Fi’

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        If you follow Ann Barnhardt’s research and teachings DM, it seems homosexuality and child-rape are an inherent part of their society. Which is yet another reason to stop any more infesting the west and to deport any already here.

    • Contempt says:

      Sad thing is Romney and most all Republicans are as bad as any Democrat. You take Sally, I’ll take Sue. Ain’t no difference between the two. Islam has been at war against infidels forever and this week is simply another example of an ongoing incessant war on us. Nobody woke up on 911.

    • Ronbo says:

      I think the Islamic murders of American in Libya and the attack on the embassy in Egypt was the tipping point for the defeat of Obama in November.

      • KG says:

        Even if true, Ronbo, Romney won’t fix what’s wrong. He’s merely Obama-Lite.
        In other words, the GOP is no longer the conservative party. (and hasn’t been, for a very long time).
        Conservative voters no longer have a political “home”.

  2. Andrei says:

    My goodness – Obama is still in appeasement mode, this is an act of WAR undertaken on 9/11 of all days, coincidence? No way.

    The Cairo embassy also stormed issued an apology and Romney rightly slammed them for it and now the media is casting his statement as “jumping the gun” :?: :?: :?:

    Meanwhile the wicked witch of the West is uttering greasy statements full of double talk and unctuous nothingness while the empty chair goes off to Vegas to campaign.

    WE NEED AN ADULT TO TAKE CHARGE, we are at war and we are loosing it

    • KG says:

      And he as busy celebrity fundraising and golfing instead of attending intel briefings, Andrei. The scumbag is complicit in these acts, if only by neglect of his sworn duties as POTUS.

  3. The Gantt Guy says:

    Chocks Away, Enola Gay! :gunner

  4. KG says:

    Israel had the right idea after Munich–targeted killings. No imam should be be able to sleep safely at night.

  5. KG says:

    What’s more, we should regard their Western apologists with the same hatred and contempt we have for the perps.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Starting with the ambassador in Egypt, for his statement suggesting violence by these savages is the fault of civilised westerners, for poking the islamist beehive. Fucktard.

      • KG says:

        Oh yeah, Gantt–the two usual memes have surfaced:
        We shouldn’t “provoke” them.
        Muslims in the U.S. fear a “backlash”. (which never happens, but it’s a useful distraction).

        • Darin says:

          As it turns out now the “outrage” claim is bogus and this was coordinated by Al Qaeda to happen on 9/11.

          So now we are sending 50 Marines to the Libyan embassy and staging two warships off the coast.

          To which I have three questions-
          #1 Why only 50 Marines?
          #2 Will they be armed?
          #3 Will the ROE allow them to shoot back?

          • The Gantt Guy says:

            #4 Why the fuck weren’t there marines at the Embassy in the first place?


            :gunner :gunner :gunner :gunner :gunner :gunner

            • Darin says:

              Well it was the Consulate,but still,of course many times the Marines at the embassy are just there for show and if they have any weapons they are under lock and key.No sense in letting them at least defend themselves :evil:

              I suppose the Marines they are sending now will be going under the Clinton doctrine carrying one bullet each.

          • mawm says:

            I don’t think the Marines should be going there at all………………they need to look after their health and avoid getting radiation sickness. :mrgreen:

  6. The Gantt Guy says:

    I see the Administration has sprung into action. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs has taken an aggressive and decisive move, phoning Terry Jones and begging him not to antagonise the Moors.

    And Andrew Bolt has some links which suggest the movie which caused the protest that spontaneously combusted into a riot, which grew into a seige complete with automatic weapons and RPGs was, in fact, an al Qaeda false flag operation all along.

    “We—the befuddled infidels—talk airily about “reforming” Islam. But what if the reform has already taken place and jihadism is it? What if the long percolation of Islam through Wahhabism, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Iranian revolution, and contemporary Western-promoted whining over grievances such as “colonialism” is the reform?

    (Mark Steyn, America Alone: The End of the World as We Know It, 2006; with thanks to Ed Driscoll at PJ Media for the reminder)

    • Andrei says:

      Gantt my friend – in that piece of trash there are Christians who are portrayed as obvious Copts, almost caricatures of Copts.

      Don’t think American rednecks would come up with that or most Americans would even recognize it – on the other hand Egyptians and middle easterners would see it instantly

  7. Oswald Bastable says:

    It will be interesting to see how the diplomatic corp react to their master’s snivelling apeasement…

  8. Redbaiter says:

    Turn Benghazi into a sheet of glass.

    Fuck em.

    They’re savages.

  9. Sci Fi Guy says:

    You really have to ask what Reagan would have done. Oops no you can’t, that would mean taking desicive action…….something that is beyond the Kenyan….unless it means getting re-elected.

  10. mistress mara says:

    History will one day record that the West was not so much taken, as given away with bells on and a 6 piece steak knife set by a society that did not deserve what they had because they were not prepared to do what was required to keep it. Say what you like about sub-human Islam, and I do, they know how to overcome our feeble non-resistance. Very galling for those of us who know its coming and who worry for our children and watch world events evolve with zero intelligence and fortitude from our so called “leaders.” Fuck them all.

  11. Flashman says:

    The Kenyan will utter a few of his usual empty sound bites to the cameras.

    That’s all.

    PS: For a view of the values and in-front-of-camera antics of empty-suit politicians, catch HBO Sky’s mini-series Boss. It truly is Art capturing Reality.

  12. The Gantt Guy says:

    The Hildebeast’s department had 48 hours’ notice, yet took no precautions:

    “According to senior diplomatic sources, the US State Department had credible information 48 hours before mobs charged the consulate in Benghazi, and the embassy in Cairo, that American missions may be targeted, but no warnings were given for diplomats to go on high alert and “lockdown”, under which movement is severely restricted.”

    Great! American incompetence puts at risk the lives of their own agents:

    “Some of the missing papers from the consulate are said to list names of Libyans who are working with Americans, putting them potentially at risk from extremist groups…”

    Just like the Pakistani doctor who pointed them to Obama’s spiritual leader, OBL.

    Oh, and in case there’s anybody left (apart from the Administration) in any doubt about the loyalties of these savages:

    “Wissam Buhmeid, the commander of the … police force for Benghazi, maintained that it was anger over the Mohamed video which made the guards abandon their post. ‘There were definitely people from the security forces who let the attack happen because they were themselves offended by the film; they would absolutely put their loyalty to the Prophet over the consulate. The deaths are all nothing compared to insulting the Prophet.'”

    Turn the whole fucking rat’s nest into a sheet of glass, and do it now. They’re laughing at us. They think they’ve already won, it’s just we’re too stupid to realise it. And for the most part, they’re fucking right.

  13. KG says:

    ” They’re laughing at us. They think they’ve already won, it’s just we’re too stupid to realise it. And for the most part, they’re fucking right.”
    Sums it up perfectly.

  14. Darin says:

    Personally I think it’s time Americans start showing up at the various embassies here and begin ransacking and burning them.Eye for an eye right?

    Better still,remove all of our personnel from those countries,along with all our aid,cut them off from trading here and isolate them.

    O’reilly called for a boycott of tourism to Egypt,that’s a start.

    • KG says:

      Boycotts would be a very powerful weapon, Darin. That, and cutting off foreign aid. Right now, we’re subsidising the filth that’s murdering us!

      • Darin says:

        If the Repubs had any combination of a spine and balls this would be a golden opportunity for them.

        Send up a bill for a vote in the house to remove all funding from the countries in question.Before the floor debates even begin release a presser about it happening so it gets coverage before the floor vote.It’s an election year,a perfect grand standing moment for politicians of every stripe.

        Drag all the witnesses forward for testimony,do a presentation on the victims and what was done to them.I bet the bill would pass.Send it up to the Senate,if there is any talk of not flooring it for a vote or talk of voting it down use it to beat the Dems over the head.

        If the Senate should pass it and Obama not sign it,then use it as a weapon in the campaign.When Obama loses and we have a Rep house,senate and POTUS next year pass it anyway. :popcorn

  15. Apparently he – will bring to justice those who took them from us.

    I’m starting to wonder if those in the foreign service need to avoid going to these places of peaceful and wonderful savages when there’s a liberal twat in charge, cos you can be 100% sure he wouldn’t lift a finger and the savages know it very well.