Girly government..this is what you get:

Julia Gillard. Prime Minister:  corrupt, or at minimum, incompetent.
Nicola Roxon. Attorney General. Incompetent and blatantly partisan.
Anna Burke: Speaker. Incompetent and blatantly partisan.

Great advertisement for the sisterhood, aren’t they?
UPDATE:        The reek of a large rodent

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14 Responses to Girly government..this is what you get:

  1. Viking says:

    Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of people. AKA the Lucky country. Ironic rather.

    • KG says:

      Are you suggesting Australians deserve these scumbags??

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        No, Kg. nobody deserves the special punishment being meted out on the lucky country right now.

        But Australians did choose them in sufficient numbers to give them the golden ring of power. And enough of them are stupid enough to try and do so again.

        • KG says:

          Nobody voted for Gillard as PM, Roxon as A-G, Burke as Speaker.
          All three are disasters in those positions, whereas they would have been relatively harmless as MPs.

          • The Gantt Guy says:

            I suspect I was being obtuse. I completely agree with your premise. All politicians are “bad”, but wimmin politicians, when elevated to positions of power, destroy countries.

            What blows my mind is that there is a significant minority of the Australian people willing to tick Red in the next election!

  2. mistress mara says:

    KG you know perfectly well that this shower of female incompetents has nothing to do with having 2 tits and a tuft. So why did you post such a silly comment when you know that all 5 or so genders (liberal crap by the way) are equally stupid? :popcorn

  3. KG says:

    To wind up Mistress Mara, why else? :mrgreen:

  4. KG says:

    Seriously, Mara, I know they don’t have the market in corruption and lack of ethics cornered. But now they’ve added gender warfare to class warfare, I’m happy to describe the cows as..well, cows.
    And for what it’s worth, I don’t believe males and females in positions of power are equally stupid. My experiences in dealing with female bureaucrats has been that they’re dimwitted, cunning, and utterly impervious to reason. Almost universally. And when called on it, they retreat into the “sexist” defence. The rules rule and when that fails the emotions rule.
    The actions of Gillard at al over the past week are a perfect demonstration of that.

  5. KG says:

    Further, women in positions of power–right down to supervisor level–tend to recruit on the basis of gender and emotional compatibility. So organisations become infested with incompetent sisters who sit around the office swapping pics of the grandchildren and comparing emotions. And every damn female manager I’ve ever known has been utterly incapable of separating emotion from fact. Every one.

  6. mistress mara says:

    KG “Women in positions of power … tend to recruit on the basis of gender and emotional compatability” … A bit like marriage, eh. Jeez, can’t have that. Politicians last for a few years then get booted. Marriages are meant to last a lifetime and both parties make the decision. Schurely men are not stupider than women in marriage and government? Personally I am completely capable of separating emotion from fact. And I wasn’t a bloke last time I looked although my eyesight isn’t what it was. ;-)

  7. MIchael in Nelson says:


    The US has a girlie govt with BO and Harry Reid so I don’t think physical gender has anything to do with it. I know you love to wind up Mistressmara but then again she should know you are not talking about tits and tuffs but attitude.

    FOMTA well done!

    (From One Male To Another)

  8. The Gantt Guy says:

    This from AFR is pretty funny. Or perhaps it’s a transcript of a real interview?