Open house

Whatever takes yer fancy. And the latest Woodpile Report is up…art, doom and acid commentary, all in one fascinating package!

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35 Responses to Open house

  1. jonno1 says:

    While examining his lady patient, the doctor tells her: “Your heart, lungs, pulse & BP are fine. Now let me see that little thing which gets you ladies into all kinds of trouble.”

    The lady started taking off her clothes…..

    Doctor, stopping her, says: “No! No! Just show me your tongue.”

  2. Darin says:

    Late one night along a lonely country road a Spaceship lands across from a small country store.A ramp lowers down from the ship and two Aliens walk out.One is a very old Alien and the other very young.

    The young Alien being full of piss and vinegar charges off towards the stores gas pump.stops in front of it and taps it on the side with his Ray gun.He then says “take me to your leader”.The pump just stands there.The Alien gets his dander up and smacks the pump hard with his Ray gun and says”take me to your leader or I’ll vaporise you!”Pump just stands there.

    The Young Alien jumps back,takes aim and blasts the base of the pump igniting the gasoline vapor underneath.The vapor blows up and blows him clean back across the road to his ship.

    Now he’s really pissed,he jumps up about to charge back over to the pump when the old Alien stops him and says-“Son,I have been all over this Galaxy and seen all sorts of things,but one thing is the same everywhere,any creature you come across that can wrap his dick around his waist and stick the end in his ear you don’t want to fuck with”

  3. mistress mara says:

    Darin, my dear, noted. :roll: :roll:

  4. Darin says:

    Well I’m bored and then there is this-

    Kids having fun :grin:

  5. mawm says:

    Prime Minister John Key had a private one-on-one chat with US President Barack Obama today – about internet millionaire Kim Dotcom.

    For those who have doubted that the whole Dotcom saga has been about Obama’s buddies (funders) in Hollywood. I’m sure Key has been played like a violin by Bama with the little carrot of a Trade Deal being dangled agonisingly close. It ain’t gonna happen, John.

  6. mistress mara says:

    Darin, I looked at that film and saw a house with tiny little windows and kids enjoying snow. What do they do for the rest of the year? Hands up, no argument, just saying why does NZ have so many foreign people wanting to come here if their countries are so bad?

    • Darin says:

      Snow?Three flakes doesn’t count as Snow :grin: Leaves,yes lots of leaves.

      Mara so far as I know the only Americans wanting to live in NZ are liberals and liberal Hollyweird types(James Cameron etc).I have a customer,a marine biologist,lefty,otherwise nice guy who raves about NZ as being a “socialist utopia”he’s planning on joining you.Of course he also worships the French so they might have the honor of hosting the whiny little communist.

      Conservative Americans such as myself,while we think NZ is a splendid land with many fine people,we would not be able to tolerate the added layers of liberal BS that seem to be stacked on you folks daily.

      I read some of your news papers and realize that NZ is further along the path to fascism than we are and there are many things that simply would not fly with most Americans even though half of us have been duped by Obama.

      I believe that all of us in western culture have had our freedoms,our very birthrights stolen from us by people who have no functioning concept of what freedom is.The more they change our culture,the less well be able to remember what freedom is.

  7. KG says:

    “I believe that all of us in western culture have had our freedoms,our very birthrights stolen from us by people who have no functioning concept of what freedom is.”
    Too bloody right!

  8. I came across a reminder as to why no-one should have any sympathy for the Palestinians.

  9. KG says:

    I’ve been looking around the ‘net, and what strikes me is how quiet the conservative blogs have become.
    What happened to the Fast and Furious investigation? Holder still hasn’t produced the documents as demanded and has announced that he’ll be staying on for another year–when in fact he and his gang ought to be in fucking jail. Romney didn’t raise it (or Benghazi) or any of a number of scandals and examples of malfeasance in office in the debates and the GOP has tried to ram “moderate” candidates down conservative’s throats twice now, with disastrous results.
    We see talk from the GOP apparatchiks about the need to “move towards the centre”, to become “more inclusive” yadayadayada ad nauseum.
    You know what? I reckon conservatives are simply disgusted, recognising that there is in fact no real opposition party. No real opposition to the creeping totalitarianism that’s engulfing us. The GOP won’t go after the criminals in this Administration because they’re shit-scared the same standards may apply to them should they stumble into office in the future.
    We’re fucked. The enemy has become us and we have become the enemy.

    • Darin says:

      The looming war in Israel has bumped a lot of stuff out of the news feed.The media has effectively made the failure of the government response to Hurricane Sandy disappear and Holder won’t be going anywhere for another year according to his own idea.

      What everyone is talking about now is Benghazi and the Budget.The budget deal if the congress and prez can hash one out should be a real freak show.Obama and the left of course want to tax the “rich”which is code for upper middle class,small business and family farms.

      Geithner says we should blow up the debt ceiling,and the bond ratings are coming up.There is all this talk of going over the fiscal cliff.I say “going”?I believe that happened in 2008 and we are in free fall headed to that sudden stop at the end and don’t know it.Gee I wonder what will happen when interest rates start to go up? :roll:

  10. mawm says:

    Darin – Here is another nail in the coffin of freedom in The USA, and what starts in the US surely will spread to us. :rant

    A vote on his bill, which now authorizes warrantless access to Americans’ e-mail, is scheduled for next week

    • Darin says:

      Yep,also rules to be handed down by the EPA in the coming year include one to ban the use of Lead in ammunition.So here I am buying more ammo and stashing it all over god’s green Earth.

  11. Contempt says:

    Southern girls talkin’

    KG, Add the Fort Hood “alahu akbar” muslim whose killings the administration labelled workplace violence. Nothing will be done about most of these issues.

    • KG says:

      It’s a long, long list, Contempt. And perhaps the worst of it is the fact that the GOP isn’t holding the bastard’s feet to the fire. :rant

  12. KG says:

    :whoop :whoop :mrgreen: Classic! Gotta love them Southern gals.

    • mawm says:

      “Does this pistol come in pink?” :wtf :whoop

      “Honey, you don’t need another boat.” :wtf :wtf :censor

      • KG says:

        What has “need” to do with buying a boat?

        • Darin says:

          One of my friends was asked by his wife why he needed another shotgun since he has 20 or more at last count.
          He took her to the bedroom,opened her closet then pointed to the floor and said-“I’ll tell you why I need 20 shotguns when you tell me why you need forty pair of shoes” :mrgreen:

  13. Contempt says:

    Gotta be pretty careful with them, KG, may be a good idea to run the other way backwards as fast ass possible.

    • KG says:

      :mrgreen: I’d take my chances with them, rather than the mealy-mouthed sweet PC types who describe anything they don’t like as “inappropriate”, Contempt..

  14. Darin says:

    One of the best modern depictions of an Old West shootout-Open Range :popcorn

  15. KG says:

    Filed under “get a life, FFS!”:
    ‘Sexist’ Jeep Facebook picture causes storm

    Because, of course, girls never get around dressed in a T shirt and bikini bottoms…
    Is social media the domain of effing morons??

    • Darin says:

      “Is social media the domain of effing morons??”

      Well you can’t spell Twitter without the word Twit :mrgreen:

      Maybe the site owner could just have all the effeminate gay males redirected to the Toyota Prius site :popcorn

  16. mistress mara says:

    Darin … Things Liberals Say. Did I miss the bit where he says “Hey, some of my best friends are Republicans?”

    • Darin says:

      I don’t think that phrase has ever been spoken by a Lib,unless it was -“hey,let’s go get some friends Black Panthers and we’ll beat down some Republicans at the polls”.

  17. Contempt says:

    Ron Paul on Secession

    Time will tell how our situation works out. There are no good solutions.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Innit funny how it always comes back to dope and/or queery marriage with the leftertarians? What a weird yard-stick for measuring “liberty”.