a Wabbit poster for you:

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3 Responses to a Wabbit poster for you:

  1. Pascal says:

    I saw this BEFORE you commented at TrueblueNZ. Thanks KG. I had signed in here, but got a phone call before I could comment. And when I got back I had an email telling me of your comment at RB’s. :smile:

    Thank you very much.

    Now if only conservatives around the globe will now come to understand what “Rear Guard” means and how it operates after a battle has been lost.

    Of course, then the next trick is to get people to recognize the wisdom in the common paraphrase of Klausewitz’s words: ‘Politics is war carried out by other means.’

    The battle that the Left and Statist lost was the 2010 elections. They lost it to the TEA party movement and a large body of independents.

    Since that time the GOP has been operating as a rear guard to block every TEA party member (e.g. Allen West) and every conservative initiative. Maybe the worst thing was the GOP primary debates repeatedly conducted by hostile mediots. I say until proven otherwise that we presume that the GOP did that DELIBERATELY. The purpose was to sandbag every conservative candidate so that Romney came out on top. And you know the rest of that story.

    The traitorous bastards acted in classical rear guard fashion to allow the main army of leftists and statists to regroup . For instance, it gave them carte blanche to steal the elections all across the country, and not a peep of complaint by the GOP.

    A better man than I would have weeks ago written this up more formally, with examples of real war rear guards and lined them up with other political ones too. In fact, I think Wretchard did show a political example a few days ago. In The role of trust in politics he provided a few examples about perfidy not being against the Geneva convention. A short version was this “Like the Kosovars who were led to their deaths by the fake UN Peacekeeers, history usually reveals that things are not what they seem. ”

    The TEA Party may not really be dead, but I fear the American republic’s life hangs by a thread because it’s advance was stopped so effectively through deceit.

  2. Darin says:

    So many Fuckwits,so little lightning :roll