
‘…The Nazis believed that they were the master race because they were genetically superior. Liberals believe that they are the master race on account of their superior empathy and intelligence. There’s an obvious paradox in believing that you have the right to enslave and kill people because you care more, but that didn’t stop millions of people from joining in with revolutions that led to a century of bloodshed in the name of movements that cared more…’

Daniel GreenfieldĀ  ‘Gun Control, thought Control and People Control’

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27 Responses to Leftists:

  1. KG says:

    From the same essay:
    ‘Liberal compassion is not the compassion of equals. It is a revolutionary pity that uses empathy only as fuel for outrage. It is the sort of compassion practiced by people who like to be angry and who like to pretend that their anger makes them better people. It is the sort of compassion that eats like poison into the bones of a man or a society, even while swelling their egos with their own wonderfulness.

    Compassion of this sort is outrage fuel. It is hatred toward people masquerading as love. And that hatred is a desire for power masquerading as outrage which in turn is dressed up as a deep love for others and empathy for all living creatures. Peel away the mask of compassion and all that is underneath is a terrible lust for power. And the only way to truly justify the kind of total power summoned by such lusts is by reducing the people you would rule over to the status of non-persons…’

    • Ronbo says:


      Well said!

      These new Nazis (or Communists, take your pick) clearly do think they are superior beings above the rule of law….above good and evil. The UBERMENSCH. The “superman” of Nietzsche’s philosophy – and thus have nothing but contempt for their “inferiors” like those who still cling to their guns, laws, nations and God.

      But I think a more accurate term for the “New Elites” that rule the once proud “Free World” – PSYCHOPATHS.

      A psychopath is little more than a wolf and parasite in human guise who lives off the sheep herd.

      Old soldiers like us, who once stood watch as sheepdogs, know the wolf all too well, and still have the marks from his teeth on our body.

      The question of the day is this – do set back on the defensive and wait for the next attack, or who unite with our fellow sheepdogs and go against the wolf’s lair?

      The final question is that if we do strike out on our own to attack and destroy the lair of the wolf, will we become the wolf?

  2. mawm says:

    Liberals believe that they are the master race on account of their superior empathy and intelligence.

    Well they are wrong about both – they have neither superior empathy nor intelligence. :censor

  3. The Gantt Guy says:

    Forget leftists. Worry about RINOs.

    O/T (well, not really): Mark Levin just tweeted that Boehner’s Brownshirts (the House GOP Leadership) is now threatening members with losing their committee posts if they do not vote for the Boehner tax increase.

    Bear in mind, these members were elected on specific promises to vote *against* any tax increases, and that Boehner has fallen, once again, for Democrat promises to look at some undefined point in the future at maybe reducing the level of increase in spending. It’s Charlie Brown, Lucy and the Football all over again. And again. And again.

    The fool(s) and our money need to be quickly parted.

    • pascal says:

      speaking of Levin, I didn’t hear the whole thing, only coming in near the end. What I heard was a black caller who was pissed at Boehner for acting like a Democrat. Just as the caller seemed to be getting to the point of emphasizing that the evidence point to how we have really only one party (the party of power perhaps?) Mark decided to cut him off and laughed.

      Where’s my razor?

      Highly paid talk show hosts used words that I love to hear. You also. But that is like offering drops of water to people dying of thirst. But what is really in the goatskin? Soma.

      We need to recognize that even Levin, no matter how often he says what we know to be true, must be on a short leash. That he let that caller say as much as he did may be a sign that he really is on our side. So then it has to be up to us to read between the lines. Well, isn’t it?

      Does that make sense? Who on this site believes that the equivalent of the KGB isn’t reading us daily? In fact, take a look at the statcounter at my site — it’s public. I get repeated viewings up the yingyang from both Moscow and Arlington. I don’t give a damn. I will say what is on my mind.

      Anyone else with a referrer log also experiencing similar rectal inspections? KG?

    • Findalis says:

      Boner is scared. There is talk of him losing the Speakership.

      • And so he f…..n should be! The guy is a crying, nanbi-pambi disgrace. It is time for conservatives to get rid of pricks like Boner; it is time to let Obama take responsibility for his own making.

        I have no idea why Repubs are so afraid of letting America go over the cliff when there is no alternative. Passing debt onto children and grandchildren is simply no alternative-period

    • I was quite happy to hear that the house rejected Boners plan B, but somehow I feel they will cave before the deadline; they always do.

      • pascal says:

        I would say pray for the contrary. But I get the feeling that the Statists, in seeking to destroy us individuals, would continue on course if the conservative Congressmen don’t cave, and then blame any negative events big or small, on the Congress. You know their MO by heart I’m sure.

        The Dextrosphere has its job cut out for it.

    • pascal says:

      Oh, double up on your first paragraph.

      See that’s the danger of off topic items GG. I was about to respond to that but you offered me a tangent, especially eye-catching since I had heard the same broadcast only minutes before. ;-)

      Yes, IMO too, phony Republicans are the biggest threat to us. They make even be the strategists behind the whole Statist advance and final push (where they are ignoring our shouts by claiming to hear only what the Agency of Lies publishes).

      Hence I keep replacing RINO with SKUNC, seeking to make it the more common acronym when our side refers to these double agents in elephant clothing.

  4. Redbaiter says:

    Gun control is really about citizen control.

  5. off thread-
    Let’s boycott mexico – travel et al-
    You heard about our Marine-shackled-un-justly in a dangerous mexican prison–

    Two of my friends are traveling to NZ –in 2013- shall I encourage others to do so?! –esp. those who usually travel to mexico!

    • Alan says:

      Carol, I saw the Smarmy Jay Carney say in answer to the press gallery
      that he new nothing about this matter. What a joke, it shows up Obama’s
      administration for what it is, a sham.

  6. KG says:

    Pot, meet kettle-in-chief:
    ‘A GRIM President Obama has issued a stern warning to US Congress, telling it that the nation does not deserve “irresponsible” government.’

    Read more: http://www.news.com.au/#ixzz2Fjii9fWS

  7. KG says:

    And the President who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize on the basis of a good speechwriter and skin pigment… authorized over 300 drone strikes on Pakistan during 2012.