‘I, Burton Zeller,

as an American and as a military veteran, pledge the following:

I Pledge to never disarm, and in particular, to never surrender my military pattern, semi-automatic rifles (and full capacity magazines, parts, and ammunition that go with them), regardless of what illegitimate action is taken by Congress, the President, or the courts.

I also pledge to pass on those military pattern rifles to my family and/or my children and my children’s children, as well as the full capacity magazines, parts, and ammunition to needed to use them, regardless of what illegitimate action is taken by Congress, the President, or the courts. As Founding Father Tench Coxe said, while attempting to allay the fears of critics of the proposed Constitution:

“The powers of the sword are in the hands of the yeomanry of America from sixteen to sixty. The militia of these free commonwealths, entitled and accustomed to their arms, when compared with any possible army, must be tremendous and irresistible. Who are the militia? Are they not ourselves? Is it feared, then, that we shall turn our arms each man against his own bosom?”

“Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birth-right of an American… [T]he unlimited power of the sword is not in the hands of either the federal or state governments, but, where I trust in God it will ever remain, in the hands of the people.” – Tench Coxe, Pennsylvania Gazette, Feb. 20, 1788.

And that “power of the sword” – those “terrible implements of the soldier,” includes the people’s battle rifles and carbines – their M1As, their FN-LARs, their HK 91s, their grandfathers’ M1 Garand, their AK 47s, their ARs and M4s, etc. – all of the weapons listed as being targeted in new and improved “Assault Weapons Ban.”

The whole point of the Second Amendment is to preserve the military capacity of the American people – to preserve the ability of the people, who are the militia, to provide for their own security as individuals, as neighborhoods, towns, counties, and states, during any emergency, man-made or natural; to preserve the military capacity of the American people to resist tyranny and violations of their rights by oath breakers within government; and to preserve the military capacity of the people to defend the Constitution against all enemies, both foreign and domestic, including those oath breaking domestic enemies within government. It is not about hunting, and at its core, the Second Amendment is not really even about self-defense against private criminals. It is about self-defense against public criminals – against tyrants, usurpers, and foreign invaders.

Above all other firearms currently available to the American citizen, modern military pattern, semi-automatic rifles provide that military capacity.Protecting the keeping and bearing of such arms of military utility is the heart and soul of the Second Amendment. Thus, any attempt to ban their possession, sale, purchase, or transfer, is an attempt to disarm the American people.

Nor will I surrender my accurate, scoped, bolt action rifles, which are also great force multipliers of military utility in the roles of sniper and marksman. Invaders, tyrants and usurpers fear the sniper and marksman for good reason, and millions of American hunters have the well practiced field-craft and marksmanship skills to serve in those rolls most effectively. We must preserve their means of doing so, including preserving our .50 caliber sniper rifles, our .338 Lapua’s, our .300 Win Mags, and other powerful, long-range capable calibers.

Nor will I surrender my semi-automatic pistols with full capacity magazines, which provide me with the capacity to effectively defend against close range, sudden attack.

I will not disarm, regardless of what law is passed by the oath breakers in Congress, or signed into law by the oath breaker in the White House, and I WILL pass on to my children every terrible implement of the soldier currently in my possession.

Further, I will ask my family and/or children to also pledge to never surrender those arms and equipment, regardless of what illegitimate, Bill of Rights violating law is passed by the oath breakers in Washington DC, and regardless of whatever any oath breaking judge may rule.

Further, I pledge to refuse compliance with any and all laws that attempt to strip me, my family and/or my children of those arms, the full capacity magazines needed to load and fire them, or the parts and ammunition needed to keep them firing. I will use nullification, civil disobedience, and active physical resistance against all such laws. I will nullify, disobey, and resist as an individual, and I will work with my neighbors to nullify, disobey, and resist as towns, counties, and states. We will not disarm, we will not comply, and we will resist.

Further, I pledge to refuse to vote for, and to actively work to purge from office any elected official, of any affiliation, who violates their oath of office by supporting, endorsing, or voting for any law, action, or decree that attempts to disarm me, my family, my children, or my children’s children of any of the above noted arms. I pledge to root the oath breakers out, in a scorched earth policy. I will not buy into the “lesser of two evils” con game, and regardless of what party an oath breaking politician is in.

Finally, I pledge to defend myself, my neighbors, my town, county, and state, against any attempt to forcibly disarm them pursuant to any “assault weapons ban” or any other illegitimate “law” passed by oath breakers within Congress, or pursuant to any illegitimate order, action, or decree by the oath breaker within the White House. We will not disarm. We will resist. And if given no other choice but to fight or to submit to abject tyranny, we will fight, just as our forefathers in the American Revolution fought against the tyrants, usurpers, and oath breakers of their day.

If we are presented with the “choice” of submission to tyranny or fighting in defense of our natural rights, we will fight, as our forefathers fought, when the British Empire attempted to disarm them and confiscate the military pattern arms, ammunition, and supplies of their time. We will make the same choice as Patrick Henry made, when he rejected “peace” purchased at the price of chains and slavery, and said “I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!” I too choose liberty or death.

I hereby reaffirm the oath I swore through more than 30 years of military and federal civilian service to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and pledge my life, my fortune, and my sacred honor in defense of the principles of liberty enunciated in our Declaration of Independence, for which our forefathers spilled their blood. We will not let the Republic fall without a fight.

Molon Labe.’

courtesy Knuckledraggin My Life Away

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25 Responses to ‘I, Burton Zeller,

  1. Phil Stephenson says:

    There is probably no other nation on earth where a citizen could make a pledge like this. For about three years now I have thought that Obama’s actions may lead to a second civil war in the United States but unlike some, I would hate to see this happen. However, I was wondering about this the other day: If Obama were to light the fuse that ignites another civil war, he will most certainly bring about his own demise. If that happens, will he still be considered worthy of a plot in Arlington?

  2. Redbaiter says:

    Great words, but they will take some defending.

    The power in the US is in the hands of political thugs. The government and the armed forces will do the bidding of these thugs.

    He’s right about the purpose of the second amendment- all this crap about hunting and defense against burglars etc. Its a strawman argument.

    However, given that the true meaning of the second amendment is a citizen’s defence against a criminal government, why is it that automatic weapons are not ‘permitted”? Why were they ever banned or given up?

    I think there needs to be an overt “Militia” organisation. Similar to the Tea Party but organised along military lines. And this militia should have the same kind of armaments as the regular armed forces, as far as is practically possible.

  3. Flashman says:

    Bold words.

    Will the actions follow when a ninja SWAT team hits in the early hours of the morning and there are Federal charges involving a mandatory 10 years in the slammer for possession of illegal firearms?

    • KG says:

      Of course they’re bold words. And it’s entirely possible the man may not be able to live up up them.
      But that’s still better than no bold words, no bold thoughts and no bold actions.
      All resistance starts with resolve, and words are needed in the first place to express and share that resolve.
      Let’s judge the man (assuming we have earned the right to, that is) after the event, not before it.

  4. The Gantt Guy says:

    This man is to be congratulated. He has shown bravery beyond perhaps what he knows. By penning these words, he has undoubtedly made himself a target of the federal government and the criminal gang running it, and will at some point in the not-too-distant future likely have to decide whether he meant them.

    I pray when that day comes, other he has other men (and women) around him of similar intestinal fortitude.

  5. The Gantt Guy says:

    Ted Nugent schools disgusting Limey Liberal Piers Morgan on basic mathematics:


    Love it!

  6. KG says:

    Beautiful! Simply beautiful.
    How a Brit, given the crime statistics in his own country, has the effing nerve to lecture and criticise Americans amazes me. Morgan ought to be run out of town on a rail.
    He picked the wrong target there. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

  7. KG says:

    On the subject, Australia’s News.com has run yet another frothing, hysterical item about guns in America. And nowhere in this article or any of the others they’ve run do they mention the number of times legally held guns have been used to prevent violent crime.
    Not once.
    Dishonest bastards.