Things could get a little breezy.

Early stages yet, but a lot of potential….

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6 Responses to Things could get a little breezy.

  1. mawm says:

    Fri 4th – so much for the warm dry summer forecast from NIWA. They did the same last year. Thank goodness they are so much better with the longer term forcasting. /sarc

  2. KG says:

    Nononono! The NZ courts said they didn’t do it! (although how a bloody judge would evaluate the science is a mystery).

  3. Darin says:

    Warmanistas,gotta love’m,they are entirely accurate you know,almost always 100% wrong in their predictions.
    They predictedprojected it would be a mild winter in the Northern hemisphere.So far Russia is seeing the coldest since 1938 and it’s shaping up to be in the top two or three here.

  4. KG says:

    Eventually they’ll guess right and then promptly claim that’s evidence of their accuracy.