
‘FOREIGN governments have expressed growing alarm over a dramatic rescue operation in the Algerian desert, that has left many hostages dead.’
We’ve had many years of this crap. Islamists wouldn’t still be taking hostages if the reaction was “ok, you’ve got hostages…now here’s a Hellfire or round of 105mm to share amongst you – hostages and all”
Of course this will be decried as savagery, but we wouldn’t still be dealing with hostage “crises” and the loss of good men in attempts to rescue do-gooders and fools from the consequences of their own actions had it been followed. And we’d have denied the islamists a potent weapon.

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3 Responses to Why?

  1. Carole says:

    No surprises here, islam doing what islam does. Hopefully these events awaken a
    few more of the apathetic uninformed in the West. This would have been a successful rescue operation if only they had invited the Israelis to organise it.

  2. KG says:

    Or the Russians, Carole. They have a way with hostage takers too.

  3. Darin says:

    Paying ransom and appeasement have a long history in the west going back centuries and the Muslims know it.Look at the history and the reasons why the USMC was founded and it all becomes clear.

    We have forgotten the rules in dealing with hostage takers and we have also forgotten the rule of retribution after the fact.