Post-democratic Britain

And are we much better?
‘We need a bloodbath to tame these arrogant officials
The constitutional rule used to be clear: civil servants advise, but ministers decide. However, according to astonishing remarks made by former prime ministerial aide Steve Hilton, the reverse now appears to be true
……But the most worrying assertion by Mr Hilton is that perhaps 40 per cent of Whitehall activity takes place on the direct order of Brussels, by-passing our representatives in Parliament altogether..’

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5 Responses to Post-democratic Britain

  1. Flashman says:

    The influence of unelected, accountability-free Sir Humphries on UK govt policy and its practical execution is nothing really new. What is remarkable is the degree of freedom and latitude Whitehall smoothies with access to ministers and the documents these ministers use to make decisions possess to exercise their influence: for personal reasons and purposes which are completely masked from anyone other than their cronies.

    A case in point was the Rhodesian situation in the 1960’s. It was like shit to flies. Any and all manner of ex-public schoolboys in Whitehall flocked to put in their bob’s worth of comment, analysis, and 6000 mile distant judgments. The net effect was the death of 30,000+ people and Mugabe: whilst these Whitehall khunts meandered onto inflation-linked pensions, golf, rose bushes and sinecures in Oxford and Cambridge colleges.

    • KG says:

      ” Any and all manner of ex-public schoolboys in Whitehall flocked to put in their bob’s worth of comment, analysis, and 6000 mile distant judgments. The net effect was the death of 30,000+ people and Mugabe: whilst these Whitehall khunts meandered onto inflation-linked pensions, golf, rose bushes and sinecures in Oxford and Cambridge colleges.”
      Perfectly put.

  2. Seneca III says:

    I dream of ropes and lamp p :evil: osts.