Black rule doesn’t work in Africa

so why would anybody think it will work in America?
‘Birmingham, Alabama is considered by many to be the birthplace of the civil rights movement. Today, African-Americans in Birmingham benefit from a numerical majority in the population, corresponding majorities in government jobs, and political control of the city. But civil rights won’t address what ails the city now.
Birmingham is recognized as one of the most violent and poorly-run cities in the nation. The city runs a massive deficit, and is county seat of Jefferson County, which recently cut a deal with a European bank as part of the largest government bankruptcy in U.S. history…’                                    source

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28 Responses to Black rule doesn’t work in Africa

  1. mawm says:

    One needs look no further than Detroit to see what black management can do to a large city. Once the 4th largest city in the USA it is now bankrupt and decaying.

  2. john says:

    Is there any place outside of liberal la-la land where black rule does work?

    • john says:

      Oh yeah, I forgot. The world would be awash with black worker paradises if it wasn’t for eeeevil whitey.

  3. KG says:

    Of course.

  4. IIn my hometown of Richmond, Virginia, the city has been run by blacks for decades. Back in the 1980’s the city council hired a black owned firm out of North Carolina to perform a study. The purpose of the study was to compare an all white council from the past to the predominantly black council and to see which administration was better. The firm went to work and studied the city administrations and determined that the predominantly black administration was no only worse than the all white administration, but it was substantially worse than the all white administration.

    The result? The city council called the firm racist and dismissed the study. I have been outside of the council chambers and heard the council members screaming profanities at each other in private session. There have been numerous felons on the city council and one council member had been an active junkie for twenty years before he was discovered. And then there are the boondoggles.

    They closed Sixth Street downtown and built a shopping mall where the street used to be and taxpayer dollars supported the businesses in it for years before it was shut down because nobody went there. The city even purchased the same train station twice with each purchase resulting in failure and the city finally ended up selling it to the State to get out from under it. One city councilwoman hired a company to study police morale in the city and then turned it in as part of her masters thesis and the police department never got any benefit out of it. Then there was Plan G. Plan G was designed to combine the city high schools in order to expand academics. Unfortunately, bussing costs skyrocketed under the program and it had to be shut down seven years later because the schools were going bankrupt under it. The one success story that the city had was it’s open high school.

    In a cooperative effort with local businesses, the Richmond Public School system created Open High. The school was for gifted children and the academic programs at the school were designed to be challenging and rigorous. Open High was so successful that it was recognized as one of the 10 best high schools in the nation. Richmond’s reaction? When Richmond Public Schools compared the outstanding academic performance of Open High with its other high schools, the city was embarrassed because Open High made them look bad. Standards were lowered for admission and the academic programs diluted. They haven’t destroyed it yet, but they are certainly trying.

    The corruption in Richmond has been going on for so long that nobody is even surprised when a city official or councilman is arrested on felony charges. News report after news report about wasted taxpayer dollars, lazy workers, and fiscal incompetence underscore the city’s failings in both leadership and in governance. In short, the city of Richmond is a cesspool of corruption, ineptitude, and criminality. Like Detroit, the Democrats have taken a fine city and turned it into a dung heap.

    The danger comes in when citizens are raised with such a government and they just accept it due to acclimation. In short, they don’t know any better. Like the allegory of the cave, if a person has never seen competent government they will never expect any better and that is exactly what the left is working toward. In fact, I would say that the U.S. is very nearly at that point. It does not matter what the government does, all that matters is what you believe the government does. Perception is reality in the mind of the public and inept and corrupt politicians know this.

  5. KG says:

    How damn depressing is that, William. And for the life of me I can’t think of a way this can be turned around.
    The trend is inexorably downward.

  6. Darin says:

    The whole issue is Black equality.They want to be equals,without doing the work that is required to truly be equals.If they wanted to be equal then every public library would packed with black children reading and busting the books and doing the work required to become equal.
    Remember the pictures of Detroit?The one in particular of the abandoned public library?The only thing in that building that had not been stolen were the books-nuff said.

  7. Flashman says:

    I remember once stopping at an hotel in the Congo – or Zaire as it then was. A grand premises from the old Belgian days.

    The toilet next to the lobby had no door left and the entire floor was ankle deep in human shit.

    I’ve always taken that image as a metaphor representing Majority African Rule.

  8. Africa isn’t going down the drain because the people of Africa are inherently stupid or incompetent, they are going down the drain because they have no pride. Years of dependency on foreign aid have robbed them of the ability to feed themselves where once they could. That fosters dependence. When a man cannot feed himself nor his family where is the basis for pride? He becomes dependent upon another for his very existence like a child is dependent upon his parents.

    When dependent children are left to their own devices, ruin results. The same is true of all people who are dependant and the continent of Africa is not alone in this. Europe is witnessing the same disruptions within its own borders with Greece as the prime example. The Greeks, like the Africans, are no longer a proud people. They stand with hands out waiting for their palms to be filled. They want shorter work weeks, they want more food, they want employment and for years the government gave them what they asked for and it ruined them as a result.

    The same can be said of Detroit, Birmingham, and Richmond. Once the left begins the cycle of dependence pride flees and an individual that was once a man turns into a child. Benjamin Franklin predicted that this would happen in the United States and it has. We know that Franklin’s view was true because it is universal in application. No matter where in the world dependence surfaces, poverty and aggression exists concomitantly and this is why I despise the left.

    Leftist policy robs a man of his pride and independence. It creates a voter who is utterly dependent upon corrupt politicians who have only to keep him fed and entertained like the Romans did with the mob and that is why freedom and the left are at odds. The two cannot peacefully co-exist because each is an adversary of the other. Wherever the policy of dependence has arisen freedom has suffered because there is no foundation for pride.

    Freedom and pride go hand in glove. One cannot exist without the other. If a man is to stand on his own two feet and be responsible for himself and his family then there is every reason to be proud of that fact. Africa was robbed of it’s pride as were the Greeks because of the dependence fostered by leftist policies and foreign aid and the native populations became comfortable in their dependence. Worse, people’s good intentions deepen this damnable cycle.

    I recall a screening of the film Blood Diamond. At the end of the film there was a discussion of the problems of Africa and everybody was saying how they needed more aid and how the U.S. had a responsibility to remove their pain. I spoke up and asked them, “if the U.S. provided their food, medicine, and clothing, then what would happen if the U.S. went bankrupt?” At first, everyone laughed. That was impossible they said. Then I reminded them of the 1929 stock market crash and its aftermath. The U.S. had been paying Germany’s war reparations and when we could no longer do that Germany tanked and the economic atmosphere within her created the conditions for the rise of Adolf Hitler. That is when the crowd became thoughtful and honestly explored the ends of such misguided altruism.

    The social laboratories of the left are numerous and the results of their “experimentations” speak for themselves. As too much sugar in the diet rots the teeth, too much dependence rots the man.

    • KG says:

      William, a fine comment and I don’t disagree in any way with it. But what that deals with is the more recent causes of rotten black governance.
      There’s another, more deep rooted historical cause. Black societies were always tribal, with utterly different priorities and values to those necessary for good governance in developed Western societies.
      What we’re seeing in America is, I believe, a transference of the tribal ethos which becomes black tribe vs white tribe.
      The toxic effects of that are exacerbated by welfare and a long-standing sense of entitlement, evidenced (among other ways) by blacks justifying voter fraud in order to keep “their man” in the White House.

    • rivoniaboy says:

      @ William Stout

      William I think that it is a bit of a stretch lumping Africans with the Greeks.

      As a white South African I am amazed that you have been able to solve the quintessential problem of Africa.Why are Africans so bad at running Africa?

      Since the arrival of the first whites at the Cape in 1652, we have danced around the problem, and let me assure you, that it a lot more complicated than a question of black pride.

      Flashman sums up the situation precisely.

  9. mawm says:

    “Like Janis” from the 70’s Rodriguez record “Cold Fact” – a record from my youth.

    ‘Cos a monkey in silk is a monkey no less

    Now a documentary “Searching for Sugar man”

  10. HarvardPotatoHead says:

    !!!OMMGGG!!!DJIU*”Yours Verilyular Trulilular claims the blonde in the purple dress! Muchas gracias por dat linkular Cointempt! tata HarvardPotatoHead

    *D Jig is Up. :lol: :!:

  11. GW says:

    I disagree, KG. I don’t see the trend as “inexorably downward.” I think that we are at or near the low water mark.

    I attended military college and then spent a good portion of my life as an infantry officer, The racial breakdown in the infantry was about 25 to 30% black, 20 to 25% hispanic, 10% Asian and the rest white. This was true in enlisted ranks, and probably not much off for the officer ranks. As to competence, there was no difference at all in any of the soldiers as a group. The black officers I served with were efficient and smart. The two best NCO’s who I had the privilege to command, one was Asian, the other black.

    The U.S. military is the ultimate meritocracy. At least below flag officer rank, nothing matters other than performance, and there is nothing to hinder anyone of whatever background, nationality, etc. from advancing. And the fact is, they do. I never saw the slightly hint of racism or reverse racism in the military.

    Compare, if you will, LTC Allen West with any of the blacks who have risen to their positions through the racial spoils system of the left. Or, for that matter, compare and contrast the blacks who rise to prominence outside of the racial spoils system, such as Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas or Condileeza Rice.

    W. Stout has it right. The racial spoils system corrupts the soul and spirit. Moreover, its greatest rewards go to those who advance its cause. Competence, morality, ethics and efficiency are mere incidentals in that system. And as W. Stout points out above, its modus operandi is to demand special treatment and handouts as a means of maintaining power. It is a system that ensures poor performance and invites corruption.

    The situation is critical, but the cause is not lost. Our military is turning out ever more blacks such as Allen West who owe nothing to the racial spoils system and, indeed, detest it. This comes at a time just as we are living through the high water mark for the radical left in the U.S. – and the racial spoils system is a significant foundation of their power base. But this can’t continue on much longer. There are too many fiscal and legal time bombs waiting to go off, white guilt is rapidly dissipating, and there are ever more blacks who provide an alternative example to the failed racial spoils system.

    As to the legal time bombs, the most critical regards making our laws colorblind, something our Dec. of Independence promised but which we have been late in delivering. The end to affirmative action and other racial quotas in law may be on the horizon, with a Supreme Court case scheduled for the summer. Yet another Supreme Court case could mark the end of the racially charged voting rights system the left now relies on to inflame blacks. It the far left loses those two cases, the blow will be mortal.

    As to the fiscal time bombs, there are several, the most significant of which is that the cities run as part of the racial spoils system are headed to rock bottom, fueled in their march to the bottom by the Obama economy. Those running those cities will lose control of the treasury, and the many corrupt practices, such as ridiculous public sector union contracts. Watch what happens with Detroit, whose local government is about to be taken over by an arm of the state.

    It has taken the far left 60 years to lead us to the state we are in today. I think we are seeing the worst of it, but that we are also going to see it reverse in our lifetimes. Unfortunately, it will take decades for this poison to be fully leached from our body politic. This is do or die for the far left, and they will not go quietly.

    • thor42 says:

      Very good comments.

      I agree about Allen West too. He “tells it like it is” with Islam – he sees right through it and calls it for the BS and evil cult that it is.

  12. KG says:

    Great comment, GW. Thanks.
    I don’t for one minute believe that individuals of any race are by nature (genetically) inferior and incapable of great achievement, and the examples you give fit very well with my own experience.
    But I also don’t doubt for a minute that “welfare blacks” are in effect reverting to tribalism and those who rise towards the top (if you can call any political office the “top”) in governance are more prone to incompetence and corruption precisely because the system which supports them makes that possible. Inevitable, even.
    The generalisation holds, notwithstanding the remarkable achievements of so many black people. They are too few to turn back the tide.

    • mawm says:

      Welfare, affirmative action and not holding them to same standards as others has done more to destroy the advancement of blacks than anything else. And the same applies to aid to Africa.

      Not having to ensure that they have gained suitable qualifications, failure to work or apply themselves at work, ease of advancement while not having to compete with the market has ensured that it is easier to sit back and ‘demand’ assistance from the government…….and when this fails it is a disaster.

      African aid has spawned an endless number of despots who have violated their subjects human rights, failed to ensure proper and uncorrupted governance and who have raided the treasury for their own benefit…….and the West has not held them accountable; they have continued to fund them and have turned a blind eye to behaviour they would not tolerate from a white run country.

      However those blacks who have stepped out of the shadow of dependence and who have acheived through their own hard work and academic effort do just as well as any other race. We see this time and time again.

      • thor42 says:

        “However those blacks who have stepped out of the shadow of dependence and who have acheived through their own hard work and academic effort do just as well as any other race. We see this time and time again. ”

        Yep, and one of the best examples of this is the Maori people in Aussie. They have no BS Harawira types to hold them back.

  13. KG says:

    (The left, I think, are tribal in much the same way, and for many of the same reasons).

  14. Barry says:

    So, what will NZ be like under brown rule?

  15. KG says:

    :roll: You need to ask? Go look at Kaikohe, East Cape and the Hokianga.

  16. Brown says:

    Dr Ben Carver anyone? Black does not equal stupid and an aquaintance in the Congo (an engineer missionary) loves it and its people. Given the chance they bloom and the problem appears to be, in the US at least, politicians who need them kept stupid to vote for them.

    • thor42 says:

      “Black does not equal stupid”.
      True, and Allen West shows this. No other leading figure in the US (with the exception of Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller) is more clued-up on how evil Islam is than he is.