Wolf Howling

has up a long post by David Horowitz, pointing out why the left is winning and the Republicans never will win again, unless they change their strategies. It’s a long read and well worth the effort.

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4 Responses to Wolf Howling

  1. Ronbo says:


    Of course, David says it much better than I could ever say it, but I’ve said the same sort of things for years – IT’S THE IDEOLOGY, STUPID!!!

    It’s a proven fact that outspoken conservatives win hands down even in Leftist districts when they talk the talk about the U.S. Constitution.

    What the American people absolutely HATE is some RINO who sucks up to the Left and tries to out promise the socialists, which cannot be done.

    You can’t out Santa Claus Santa Claus, but any half way decent Republican politician can win the election by playing the patriot card and then walking the Churchill Walk once in office.

    But the good news today is that the “Young Guard” is moving to leadership positions in the rebel army forming up just off stage:


    • Elijah says:

      Not to mention that this effect pisses off the leftards so much they go into a psychotic rage revealing themselves to be exactly who they are.

  2. GW says:

    As always, thanks for the link. Horowitz has it exactly right, I think.

    • KG says:

      As always, you’re most welcome GW.
      Yep, he analyses it brilliantly. There’s nothing really to add, is there?