Francis Porretto

BENGHAZI and an Administration that stood by and did nothing while Americans were murdered.

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7 Responses to Francis Porretto

  1. Ronbo says:

    I shout:




    Alas! :|

    I am a voice crying in the wilderness.

  2. The Gantt Guy says:

    At an absolute minimum, Impeachment proceedings must be brought against Obama and Clinton.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Correction: I don’t think Clinton can be impeached now she doesn’t hold the post. Does that mean she’s open to treason charges?

  3. KG says:

    Francis Porretto again, on the gradual surrender to evil bastards:
    ‘..Success reinforces the tactics employed. Whenever the Left manages to seduce the supposedly conservative Republican caucuses in Congress into a “compromise,” it encourages the Left to try that gambit again…usually for “progressively” higher stakes. When the subject at controversy is an individual right, compromise destroys the right itself. It is not the final excisions which accomplish the destruction, but the initial ones, for they demote a right, an absolute natural possession of the individual, to a permission conditionally conceded by the State, which the State may qualify, restrict, or withdraw as it pleases…’ (bold mine kg)

  4. Contempt says:

    Obama lied. People died.

    Anybody seen a pic of Bin Laden dead? Why not? What’s with that? Once again, appeasing islam?