‘Poor, poor academics’

Next time I’m out sweating in 40c heat and dust and flies, I’ll think of me and a couple of my mates (who are out working their asses off in cold and wet conditions) and be thankful we’re funding people who are even worse off than us, doing essential work….

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11 Responses to ‘Poor, poor academics’

  1. Darin says:


    Because it’s just so versatile a term these days.

  2. mistress mara says:

    Here’s a good job for you KG…….
    ” California Govt. Jerry Brown on wed. signed legislation aimed at taking guns from naughty or crazy people.” (I paraphrased from Drudge.)
    You would be in charge of telling citizens why this is a good idea, and what to do when faced by armed aggressors. i.e 1. Curl into foetal position. 2. Urinate copiously. 3. Close eyes tightly and wait for help. Genius!! This essential work will not involve excessive heat or flies and would pay well. Hell, I’d even provide a reference as to your suitability for the job even though you are not a transgendered, differently-abled, global warming feminist; at first glance anyway. :twisted:

    • KG says:

      Heh! The only thing I would teach those people is how much lead to give a running politician at 100 yards, Mara.

  3. mistress mara says:

    “Lead” is such an interesting word in English considering all its meanings. I expect KG that you were referring to the “to show the way” Kumbaya definition rather than the “metal/bullets/shot” definition.” :mrgreen:

    • KG says:

      As used here, it refers to how much to aim ahead of a running target so the target and the bullet arrive at the same place simultaneously, Mara.
      Which I’m sure you knew. ;-) :grin:

      And to hell with the “kumbaya” approach–that never put meat on the table or tyrant on morgue slab.

      • thor42 says:

        “And to hell with the “kumbaya” approach–that never put meat on the table or tyrant on morgue slab.”

        I second that…..

  4. john says:

    Kumbaya, kumbaya, obamaa, obamaa…..dakadakadakadaka… :cool:

    • john says:

      Hey KG, is this a new spew smiley?
      I don’t recall his predecessor having the sweet corn round his lips. :mrgreen:

  5. KG says:

    :mrgreen: nice one, John. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_good.gif