If white students did it to black teachers……

well, you know the rest.
Baseball bat attack on teacher closes school
The attack, which happened on Monday, was the latest in a string of violent assaults on staff at Angurugu School on Groote Eylandt, east of Darwin.
…Other attacks include a student smashing a window in the principal’s office with an axe and a teacher having her hand broken after a student threw a chair, a table and a rubbish bin at her.
Another teacher was left bleeding after being bitten and one staff member was stabbed in the leg with sharpened pencils.
The NT News reported on a male teacher who was choked by a student and a female teacher who had to be flown off the island after a student threatened to rape her in March.
TEACHER loses leg in school attack
The next time some mealy-mouthed leftard do-gooder starts babbling on about Aussie “racism” and the plight of Aborigines under a genocidal white regime, suggest they try a year or two working on one of these communities. Communities which have had billions of taxpayer’s dollars poured into them, for next to zero result.
Welfare kills, regardless of the recipient’s colour, regardless of good intentions.

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15 Responses to If white students did it to black teachers……

  1. Wirecutter says:

    Damn, and I thought the kids here were out of control….

    • KG says:

      We worked in those communities for years, Wirecutter, and believe me, that news item barely skims the surface.

  2. I really don’t think it is so much a black/white thing as much as a liberalism thing; the overall societal breakdown; a breakdown in the family, no fathers, no discipline, and no respect and so on. In Korea where I worked for years, teachers at schools used to teach with sticks; if kids got out of line they got beaten. But it is even changing there as Western progressive liberalism moves in.

    • Findalis says:

      When I was growing up our teachers didn’t hit us. All they had to do was to send a letter home. The threat was enough to put us in line. Our Dads would get out the belt if we didn’t behave in school.

      But liberals forced parents to remove the belt, stop spanking, and look at the results.

  3. KG says:

    Agreed, Conservative. A pack of white kids under exactly the same circumstances would behave pretty much the same way. But there is a cultural element to this, given that the parents have no sense, no idea at all of the kind of structured family life necessary to fit kids into s system which will get them educated and give them a chance of a better life.
    Seriously, there are plenty of adults in these communities who don’t know the difference between “tomorrow” and next week, who gamble away a fortnight’s welfare money overnight while their kids go hungry and who deliberately starve babies so the mother will be flown to the nearest hospital with the kid–and there she will buy drugs to take back to the community. (est. cost each time: about $7,000)
    There are no easy answers. In fact I don’t think there are any answers at all. And I speak as someone who likes bush blackfellas and have counted some of them among my friends.

    • Yes, I guess there is cultural aspect to this as well. I don’t think I can really compare outback Aborigines with Maoris. But I can say this in respect to Maori; they were a much better people 50 years ago, and the only thing that has changed is liberalism.

      • KG says:

        Absolutely. Outback Aborigines have some excuses for their situation and their behaviour–modern Maori don’t.

        • Cadwallader says:

          Out of curiosity: What excuses do Australia’s aboriginals have to persist in their stone-age behaviours that NZ’s so-called aboriginals don’t? Finding a distinction will not mask primitivism or justify ongoing blind and bounteous welfare support. I am not sure that welfarism makes me more angry than sad. Either way what is happening in either country doesn’t work, won’t work and ought be abandoned. But for what??? FFS!

          • KG says:

            A lot of aborigines have lived in very remote tribal areas with almost no contact with white civilization.
            In many instances that’s still true.
            They are a nomadic people and concepts such as permanent settlements and raising crops are utterly alien to them.
            I don’t “find” the distinction, it’s already obvious and I don’t attempt to mask welfare support or primitivism.

            Any comparison between Aborigines and Maoris is fatuous–and pointless, since it’d be difficult to imagine two cultures more different.
            About all they have in common is that both are not white.

            • Cadwallader says:

              I understand the the Australian aboriginals regard the earth as their mother rather than anything capable of being owned as others may do. I have never regarded the Australian natives as having any form of kinship with NZ maoris. I regard your “modern” maori as a misnomer as it is their strident activists who yell for a return to pre-Euro primitivism. In NZ the rub is that maori appear to expect all the appliances and conveniences of this century but in a tribal and traditional manner (paid for by others in many instances.) An utter mess in other words.

  4. RWT says:

    “….suggest they try a year or two…”

    We all know that’s a waste of time, leftist morons spent all their life avoiding reality so no point trying to talk any sense to them. Send them to one of the ‘welfare suburbs’….. er… i mean salad bowls of beautiful, non-imperialist white folk. Tell them they’re giving free pot and mung beans or something, hopefully they’ll be stupid enough to go there and get beaten and robbed

    It still won’t get them to wake up, but hey it’s nice to see leftards getting beaten.

  5. KG says:

    “It still won’t get them to wake up, but hey it’s nice to see leftards getting beaten.” :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

  6. Darin says:

    Kids are taught these days the concept of secular humanism.There is no God,no higher authority either here on Earth or in Eternity that they will have to answer to.

    They are taught that anything they decide is right is,that there are no limits and morality is an outmoded silly concept.Discipline is done away with as it might hinder their free thinking and right and wrong are whatever they think it is at any given time.

    Combine that with the welfare state and you have a pack of savages on your hands.More importantly however the leftist elites who always have been a minority in society have a new army.What the left could never accomplish through military might or even raw numbers at the polls they are doing through the destruction of social order.

    There is a danger to their tactic,when you train and try to then control wild animals they sometimes turn on their masters and bite off the hand that feeds them.Things will get roughest when the trainers can no longer feed the animals.

  7. Cadwallader says:

    Agree: Liberalism has actually distorted reality. The likes of these pupils believing they are entitled to attack those paid to teach them rather than express gratitude to the tax payer by bothering to learn seems to be an inevitable outcome.
    Further; Where is the Teachers’ Union in this lot? I expect the union commandants are busy in the State Capitals screaming for more pay and entitlements rather than attending to a member fully deserving of their support.

    • Darin says:

      Oh there is never enough money Cad according to them.That is part of the fight over charter schools here,the teachers unions don’t like them because they cut in on their monopoly and make them look bad.
      The parents and the students in the inner cities here know they are being short changed and let down by the public school system.Whenever a new charter school opens up they are immediately flooded with applicants.The parents and the kids know that a good education is the way out.
      The unions and liberal politicians who support the unions know this full well,so they do everything they can to stop it.If the kids are educated they might begin to see how they have been held back and enslaved and turn on their masters.
      They have the right to vote,but I could see where voting the wrong way in those corrupt precincts wouldn’t be healthy.Those neighborhoods are purpose built cesspool designed to maintain an enslaved voting block and keep their masters in power.The voting block gets the lib dem politicians elected,the lib dem pols sign the union contracts for more money and the union members push the political organizers to keep the cycle going.