Tony Blair…a creep, utterly without shame.

‘The former Prime Minister addressed the killing of Drummer Lee Rigby in Woolwich by urging governments to ‘be honest’ and admit that the problem of Muslim radicalism is widespread…’
And this is the slimeball who helped swamp Britain with muslims!

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16 Responses to Tony Blair…a creep, utterly without shame.

  1. mawm says:

    Note how he carefully blames radical Muslims and not the religion.

  2. Brown says:

    At least its a start that someone like Blair has hinted that there’s a problem.

    • KG says:

      After the damage is done, Brown. The Brits have had and have some evil ratbastard politicians, and Blair’s right up there with the worst of them.
      A slimy, unprincipled, lying, grasping greedy prick. :evil:

    • Yokel says:

      Nothing, but NOTHING, about Blair is straightforward or honest. Avaricious, yes. Scheming, yes. But not straightforward or honest. I believe he is an indication that we are not fighting on one front (Islam) alone, and indeed that may actually be the least of our troubles.

      For the sake of the discussion, let us assume that it was not he who decided to let all these imminent jihadis into the country. I would suggest that he was “encouraged” to do it by Common Purpose, an outreach of the Frankfurt School and encouragers of Cultural Marxism. Those people seem to have form in trying to provoke some “right wing” action against which they can portray themselves as being totally justified in cracking down hard by means of establishing a left wing authoritarian dictatorship.

      Even multi-culti sheeple are beginning to understand that the nation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland has been betrayed from within by those who always claim to rule in its best interests. So the opportunity to continue with the Project is limited before the sheeple wake up enough to be able to identify the true culprits and do something about them.

      Therefore, I would suggest, he is now trying to awake the opponents of the Islamic immigration that he (Blair) enabled, in order to provoke fisticuffs, big violent long lasting fisticuffs. If he thought what he had done was wrong, he would have apologised. Instead, the article in the Mail on Sunday was all self congratulatory while hinting that the “right” would be justified in feeling upset. Watch this (B.) Liar’s machinations closely.

      He has been awarded a very large fortune since he left office. Now is payback time, when he must “earn” his guarantors’ advances.

      • KG says:

        Yokel, I reckon your analysis is right on the money.
        I’m just amazed that more people aren’t disgusted, angered and terrified by what’s happening. It’s like watching a pack of zombies.

  3. MvL says:

    “A slimy, unprincipled, lying, grasping greedy prick”……
    And a weasel speaking weasel words.
    “the problem within Islam” …..Within?… WITHIN :?: :?: Islam.
    But Daniel Greenfield is again at his best.
    ‘”When a Muslim kills a Non-Muslim for the religious reasons of Jihad, whether he is a lone wolf or a member of a large cell, the act cannot be divorced from its goals for the larger Islamic community. ”
    Blair urges governments to ‘be honest.’
    When Governments will acknowledge what Mr Greenfield is saying, then we may see some ‘honesty’

  4. KG says:

    “When Governments will acknowledge what Mr Greenfield is saying, then we may see some ‘honesty’”
    But we’re not holding our breath while waiting for that day, are we?

  5. KG says:

    “If the UK quarantines foreigners and even natives with the Swine Flu, which has killed far fewer Brits than Islamic terrorism, should it not begin quarantining the even more dangerous strain of Islam? ”
    Daniel Greenfield