Time was..

971185_466420436772749_1496318299_nStolen from Knuckledraggin

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9 Responses to Time was..

  1. Ronbo says:

    This was not an uncommon sight in the Vietnam War…I had my Confederate flag nailed to the wall in my barrack room at Phu Bai in 1968/69 – and never a word of complaint from anyone.

  2. RWT says:

    It’ll fly again i think, such is the division and divisiveness spreading like cancer through the land of the free.

    • KG says:

      I hope it does, RWT.

      • Ronbo says:


        Yesterday, I was having a phone conversation with sister-in-law in Florida – and something new happened on the line: a loud beep every couple of minutes or so.

        My sister couldn’t hear this on her end of the line, but it’s clear that my “old buddies” at NSA (or some other government federal law enforcement agency) have tapped into my line and were recording our conversation.

        I asked around in my circle of patriot pals and they report exactly the same thing is happening on their cellphone/land line/computer voice – beeps on your end of the line and nothing heard by the person on the other end of the conversation. My mates said they didn’t think they were important enough to be wire tapped and recorded, but they apparently are important to someone somewhere.

        I should note that when my Military Intelligence outfit wire tapped the commies in Berlin during the Cold War, the last thing we wanted them to know was that we were listening into the conversation, so I would assume the purpose of NSA or whoever is to let us know that “Big Brother is watching you.”

        So I guess secure communication between patriots is down to carrier pigeons and face to face conversations – I understand even snail mail is being flagged and read by the Feds. Ditto emails.

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          “The Obama NSA says that they must get a court-order to actually listen to calls. Interesting because, as my friends and colleagues will attest, the well-known “beep” tone that indicates one’s calls are not only being monitored but, also recorded has been my call-companion for over 2 years. Prior to this, I had no idea the ObamaGov considered me to be so dangerous.”

          From Sher Zieve over at Gulag Bound.

          You’re in good company, Ronbo.

  3. KG says:

    This is worth a look, guys–at least it’ll make it harder for the bastards. :evil: