Dan Hodges is a repulsive creature

Writing in the Brit Telegraph, on the Syria vote:
‘Whatever your view of last night’s defeat for the Government over Syria – for what it’s worth mine is it was a catastrophe for the cause of progressive interventionism – there is no avoiding the fact that it was a triumph for parliamentary democracy….’   (bold mine)
So, the cause of “progressive interventionism” is, by Hodges’ own admission, anti-democratic.  The mask slips…….

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10 Responses to Dan Hodges is a repulsive creature

  1. Andrew Berwick says:

    That’s because David Milliband is a fucking cut, a copper bottomed shit

  2. RWT says:

    Wait, this is a war the progressives would support?

    It’s not worth anything though, let some phoney-baloney video or story emerge of some innocent civilians being killed in this progressive war and just watch the so-called support turn to pee in no time.

    In a way the Brits are right not to bother, they have no money, no real will to see it through if it all turns to shit and we all know that fellow in the white house hasn’t got the ticker either, so why bother.

    I note that obama is still dithering around, key words being, could, should, maybe, i’m not sure. Probably praying to someone, anyone to do something so that he can lead from the rear.

    • KG says:

      The “progressives” claim that the “duty to protect” doctrine (which is a socialist/U.N. invention) justifies interfering. According to them, the concept of national sovereignty no longer exists.
      When it suits.

    • kz7 says:

      Totally agree let the sand niggers wipe each other out

  3. Kathleen says:

    It make one want to give him a few hard dope slaps across the head. :???:

  4. The Gantt Guy says:

    hmmm, so interfering in Syria is righteous, but Iraq was a ‘shameful abomination’?

    Fucking hypocrite.

  5. GW says:

    1. Progressives will support military intervention everywhere . . . except when their country’s national interests are actually at stake. Bit of insanity that.

    2. From what I understand, the last time Parliament voted not to go to or continue a war it was 1782, when they gave in to the 13 colonies. Quite an unbroken string there.

    3. The only way the West wins in Syria is if both sides lose. The only reason Obama is even thinking of intervention is because he has been called out as weak over the Obama red line. If only he would treat our foreign enemies like he treats Republicans . . . .