Brit society has a cancer

and it’s called the BBC:
‘BBC Political Editor Nick Robinson is lashing out at his own company for what he calls “terrible mistakes” in covering the UK’s internal immigration debate. The network, he alleges, decided on its own that concerns about large influxes of immigrants were “not acceptable views” and did not cover them.’
So far, refreshingly honest, even if deeply disgusting,right?  Below the fold read the reasons for this turnaround and the headline will start to make more sense……

‘He repeated those concerns last night on BBC’s Daily Politics, arguing that it had been “many, many years” since the UK had anything he could consider a “proper political debate” on the matter, as the subject had reached levels of taboo. The current thawing of the conversation, he observed, had something to do with the changing face of the British public: if many of those British citizens concerned about immigration were not white, but of Afro-Caribbean or Indian ancestry, and the influx of new immigrants was expected to be mostly white, then the fear of the immigration debate becoming fodder for white supremacists was too remote for the BBC to refuse to dismiss in exchange for making the public less informed.’

I’d argue that attitudes at Australia’s publicly-funded ABC mirror almost exactly those of the BBC. Which isn’t surprising, since the staff of both organisations share the same collectivist multiculti worldview.

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10 Responses to Brit society has a cancer

  1. Ronbo says:

    The BBC…like ABC…like NBC are part of the propaganda ministry of the Leftist Lamestream Media and are ancient history.

    Glenn Beck television – and others like it who tell the truth – are the future:

  2. Findalis says:

    Too little, too late.

  3. Mathew says:

    It’s essentially what we’ve all known or should have known anyway. You simply have to watch a few news programs and read the news on a few different sites to know that our own media is heavily biased towards the left.

    Those of us who take the trouble can see it plainly, but i suppose they’re counting on the lazy out there being too busy watching dancing with fools, biggest fatties or something to notice.

    The more important question though is now that we know of the bias, what are the conservatives going to do about it. Both of our countries have quasi conservative governments, yet both seem very unwilling to take the fight to the left.

  4. KG says:

    “..yet both seem very unwilling to take the fight to the left.”
    And therein lies the heart of the problem. Conservative establishments are forever chasing that “moderate” or “undecided” or “middle ground” vote.
    They’ve decided that clear principles don’t sell and in doing so have deprived principled conservatives of an effective voice.
    Then, of course, there’s that part of the conservative “leadership” that’s on-board with the big-business agenda of unrestricted immigration and depressed other words, the destruction of the middle class. Marx would have approved.

    • Ronbo says:

      I think the problem is that for decades is that we of the opposition think of ourselves as polite “conservatives” (reactionaries…holders on the past…etc.) when, in fact, we are revolutionaries whose economic system, capitalism, is the destroyer of true reactionaries (monarchy, communism, fascism, etc.)

      What is a modern establishment Leftist but a better dressed feudal baron who drives a car and dreams of making the average citizen his serf :?:

      But this is changing with the creation of Tea Party Movement, whose members aren’t afraid to call a totalitarian a totalitarian, and this is reason the TPM in its various forms all over the world is considered the main enemy of socialism.

  5. KG says:

    What worries me, Ronbo, is that unrestrained capitalism is in fact no better in terms of liberty than any other “ism”.

    • Wombat says:

      “Capitalism is an economic system in which trade, industry and the means of production are controlled by private owners…” -Wankopedia

      Ergo while government exists, genuine capitalism is an illusion. Ask anyone growing/selling weed.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Ask anyone in any business, wombat. They’ll tell you it’s bloody hard to make a living while we’re being simultaneously taxed and regulated out of existence!

  6. KG says:

    The free market is only as “free” as governments and bureaucrats allow it to be.
    Free for their cronies, that is.

  7. Ronbo says:

    KG said:

    What worries me, Ronbo, is that unrestrained capitalism is in fact no better in terms of liberty than any other “ism”.


    I would submit that stalwart capitalism completely free of government regulation – laissez faire “hands off” capitalism – has never existed; however, in the late 19th century, when capitalism came closest to laissez faire, the British Empire, Western Europe and America made one of the most dramatic “Great Leap Forward” ever in human history, when in the space of a few decades the West advanced from the age of agriculture to the Industrial Revolution :!:

    …and it wasn’t government in any of these many countries that created the Industrial Revolution, it was productive and intelligent go-getters, wrongly called “robber barons” who built the first factories, laid the first railroad tracks and launched the first steam propelled ships :!:

    I submit the various governments in the 19th and early 20th centuries did little more than get in the way with senseless regulations and taxes, just like they are doing today.

    I also submit the “robber barons” like successful businessmen of today got ahead because they bribed the government to stay the fuck out of the way :!:

    Therefore, government should be limited to only a few things like defense and the law enforcement, as it was in the U.S. Constitution and in the early days of the republic.

    Said George Washington, “Government is like fire, a dangerous servant and a fearful master.”