The old beast is rising again

UN: 2014 ‘Year of Solidarity with the Palestinian People’

Film Demonizing Israelis from ‘Palestine’ Gets Oscar Nomination

And this
What gulags,  concentration camps and arms couldn’t do, oil money and U.N. islamists just might…islam and leftism never sleep.

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5 Responses to The old beast is rising again

  1. Mathew says:

    In many ways, the hatred of Jews will never go away, it just morphs along, slithering around like a smelly worm. Shame on the western left for carrying on what the nazis were forced to give up.

  2. KG says:

    It’s the modern left instead of the Nazi left. Similar beast, different rhetoric.

  3. mawm says:

    At its founding who would have thought that the very institution created essentially by the West would be used by those it was most meant to help to destroy the West. :roll: The only choice is for the West to defund it. The voracious beast would soon stop functioning and its greasy tentacles reaching into every aspect of our lives would die off. The same with the EU and our profligate governments.

  4. Wombat says:

    It’s a choice between a civilized nation and a pack of barbarians. Nothing more, nothing less.

    • thor42 says:

      That’s right.

      As for the “Palestinian people” – what a load of *bullshit*.
      They are *Arab savages* – no such thing as a “Palestinian people”.