Study: Foxes guard chickens best

‘A Herald analysis shows students do far better under internal assessment, away from the pressure of tests’
This article is bullshit, and I suspect it has more to do with protecting their lefty teacher comrades.

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10 Responses to Study: Foxes guard chickens best

  1. Wombat says:

    Bring it on! More fuel for the fire. Trash my civilisation until I can’t recognise it anymore, please, and when you’re a stranger to me I will have no hesitation in ridding my nation of these strange new creatures that have somehow come to inhabit it.

  2. Michael in Nelson says:

    This is in line with the ‘No homework’ policy in many NZ schools. The usual excuse is that some students would not be able to complete it because of a lack of support at home. What amazes me is the school administration’s ignorance as to the purpose of homework….practice!

    When was the last time any sporting team or individual achieved any success of note without practice? Yet these idiots expect kids to develop intellectually without any. KG….you need a ‘bitch-slap’ emoticon.

    • KG says:

      We do, Michael. When we get home I’ll sit down and look for a new set of emoticons. The problem is, most of them are too “nice”. :sad:

    • Wombat says:

      All schooling should be homework. The glorified kindergartens that pass for primary and high schools are impediments to real world learning.

      In the days of yore a child would attend school for only several hours a day where the teacher operated in a single class encompassing all ages, yet in that time they accomplished a higher mastery of english and mathematics than most high school graduates of today are capable of.

      Fact is, we don’t give a shit anymore, because we look at those “dumb, inbred hillbilly kids of yore with their straw hats and their suspenders, and not an ipod to be seen” and we laugh about how backward and primitive they all were.

      A bare fraction of our society even knows the basic concept of how a an internal combustion engine runs. They can’t even speak their first language properly much less a second. They need a calculator to do basic sums, and between reading the book or watching the movie you needn’t bother to ask.

      It’s kind of frightening when you think about it. We have the vast majority of an entire society that may as well be living on an alien planet. They don’t know how anything here works, and sure as hell they couldn’t fix it if it broke. They regard themselves as the pinnacle of human evolution but the moment a fuse blows or a hose clamp snaps they have to call one of a tiny caste of technological shamans to make their world work today the way it did yesterday.

      Sure as hell it’s not going to end pleasantly. :sad:

  3. Darin says:

    The problem we have with homework over here is the teachers do nothing but “outline the lesson plan” and then send all the grunt work home to mom and dad thereby avoiding actually having to do their jobs.

    Now with Common Core parents are starting to wake up and revolt.Partly because they are on to the scam and partly because they see what their children are being taught and saying WTF! :shock:

  4. Flashman says:

    It’s easy. If a school’s performance is judged in a Wellington ministry by its students’ “achievement” one would be a fool not to opt for internal assessment.

    Internal assessment is fine on paper. But the temptation to game the game by fudging results and running no-fail candyfloss assessments is irresistible.

    And don’t bet on moderations to catch anyone out. Internal mods by “colleagues” are a you-scratch-my-back system. External mods by NZQA focus on the question “Were all the prescribed learning outcomes assessed?” Quality of learning is irrelevant.

    The only time “the ministry” gets involved is when a school is generously dysfunctional …in which case its assessment regimes are only a part of the mix of concerns.

    The words “Herald analysis” should give everyone pause…..

    • KG says:

      “The words “Herald analysis” should give everyone pause…..”
      Absolutely. The idea of that bunch being able to analyse anything more complex than a knitting pattern is laughable.

  5. George Romero says:

    I want to KILL someone!
    My kid has just started high scoh0ool
    Apparaently , the kids rule the classroom and the””’teachers””’ do as their told , GOT IT?

  6. George Romero says:

    The muthers smoke ciggies at the dairy up the road from the school and the ”’teachers” watch and laugh.The shits gonna hit the fan!~ :evil: