Pass me a violin

Front page news in Australia’s
Uganda’s appalling new hate laws
THIS man has introduced some of the worst hate laws on the planet.
…JUST when you thought equality and diversity was flourishing in spades, Uganda’s president has to go and ravage the rainbow…’

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12 Responses to Pass me a violin

  1. Michael in Nelson says:

    So, they have made sodomy against the law with severe punishments. Why don’t these outrages individuals go back in time to Sodom and ask them how well the practice turned out for them?

  2. Ronbo says:


  3. Flashman says:

    Quite right. Especially as there’s probably not one in a thousand who could unerringly place a finger on Uganda when presented with an unmarked world atlas.

    • Ronbo says:

      Rush Limbaugh just mentioned this new law on his program, and, as usual, had a field day with it :!: :mrgreen:

      Also, he mentioned that the 57 Islamic countries of the world kill homosexuals as well. :mrgreen:

      So what’s the score world wide for anti-faggot laws?

      I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that only in Europe, America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand are fags allowed the run of the country.

      Of course, change that to “run” the country in regards to America, as Obama is as queer as a three dollar bill. :mrgreen:

  4. Darin says:

    Ask the cunt that wrote the article about the thousands of murdered white farmers in Africa and you won’t get a peep.Selective outrage,another tool of the left.

  5. Mathew says:

    Just like lefties look the other way at the treatment of women and gays in islamic countries and preach to us about respecting other cultures, they should respect the wishes of black people in Uganda. I mean if it’s good for muslims, why not black Africa.

    If they don’t like it, then feel free to put together an army of greenies, socialists and what not, sail over to Uganda to impose your white cultural values on the natives, but first explain how this isn’t racist and also colonialist.

    • Wombat says:

      If the Greens and Socialists were willing to sail to Uganda I wouldn’t be asking them for any explanation whatsoever.

      I would simply wish them a swift journey.

      • Mathew says:

        Good point, hadn’t thought of that, i don’t know what happened to me, so unlike me to hinder an exodus of useless parasites.

        Taking it a step further, I’d quietly get immigration to cancel their passports too, once they’ve set sail. Never squander an opportunity to rid yourself of some parasites.

  6. Wombat says:

    A half a decade ago a U.N. diplomat with a suitcase full of cash would have parachuted into Uganda minutes before this law passed and bribed whoever needed to be bribed to assure it never came to pass. Ceratinly the MSM would have never been allowed to cover the issue, just like they’re never allowed to cover theocratic state sponsored murder in Islamic nations.

    You look around and you start to get a sense that the progressives are running out of money and having trouble controlling their minions, both in the press and in the third world. Perhaps the wheels are starting to come off.

    • Ronbo says:

      Maybe so…The advance in technology is the wild card in what the Progressives of the world think is a slam dunk totalitarian New World Order.

      For instance, THE ROBOTS ARE COMING :!: Within ten years robots will put the minimum wage worker out of business.

      This is made possible by the doubling of computer power every two years.

      Already that little PC that sits on many desks has more computer power than was used in the first moon mission in 1969! Imagine five..ten…fifteen years down the road.

      The bottom line is that what many are calling the Post-Industrial Revolution gives more power to the individual and makes things increasingly difficult for Regressives (my new word for “Progressives) to lock down the planet.