Fred on white guys:

‘..Here a little knowledge is needed to recognize how dependent the country is on the brains of…whites. If you grow up, with minimal education, among cars and television sets, you can come unconsciously to think that, like air, they just exist. Actually they are products of brains. Whose brains?…’

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4 Responses to Fred on white guys:

  1. mawm says:

    ……once a dark majority is in place, all right-thinking whites, such as Tim, will live in harmony with the new rulers, who will be without racial hostility toward the pale minority.

    He obviously has not bothered to educated himself as to how blacks treat those who are there to help them, e.g. the Elim Mission massacres of eight British missionaries and four young children, including a three-week-old baby, who were bayoneted to death by black terrorists in Rhodesia.

    • Barry says:

      I think Fred was tongue in cheek when he wrote that phrase you have quoted, mawm. I read his blog and I think he always gets things right.

      • mawm says:

        Unless my comprehension is poor Fred refers to Tim Wise and his expectations, as I also do.

  2. Darin says:

    Soon we will all be Detroiters

    The black population is in decline with hispanics passing them as a percentage of population.Slick Willie Clinton once suggested that the black and white communities needed to get together,sit down and have a talk about race relations.

    Many said at the time that really what they needed to do was learn Spanish.