Francis W. Porretto:

‘..The midterm elections will, at best, deprive the Democrats of their control of the Senate. Unless impeachment proceedings should thence be instituted against Obama, Holder, and whatever other Obamunist minions should seem reachable, the executive branch will remain our enemy. It will continue on relentless in its assault on Constitutional norms and the proper limits of government — and the executive branch commands the enforcement powers of the federal government.
It’s time for the hardest of hard thought.’              The whole post
A couple of embedded videos in that post demonstrate just how far the Republic has fallen under these people and what dangerous waters it has fallen into. Dangerous for all of us, not just our American friends. Those people are beyond the reach of civilized dispute resolution – I’ve scraped higher life forms off the soles of my boots.
And for the hundredth time: This cannot be fixed via the ballot box.

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