Australia goes dhimmi:

‘..POLICE say they will not act against a radical preacher who publicly prayed for the slaughter of Hindus and Buddhists, leaving him free to spread his messages of hatred.
A sermon videotaped in South Australia last year also showed Sheikh Sharif Hussein accusing Australian troops, whom he called “crusader pigs”, of helping to rape tens of thousands of women in Iraq, but SA police say he has broken no laws…’
Contrast that with the treatment of Andrew Bolt, who ended up in court for merely questioning the degree of “aboriginality” of some parasites…

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20 Responses to Australia goes dhimmi:

  1. Wombat says:

    Proof positive that the laws themselves are irrelevant. All that matters is the whim of the public prosecutor.

    • Wombat says:

      p.s. I absoloutely support freedom of speech unconditionally.

      What this savage ought to be charged with is conspiracy to commit genocide. If no such charge exists then bump it down to a billion counts of conspiracy to commit murder, sentences to be served consecutively.

      Problem solved. Issues?

      • KG says:

        Or incitement to riot. Or defamation (against ADF personnel). Inciting hatred… there are plenty of options.
        What’s lacking is the balls to take on muslims. :evil:
        I support free speech too, but this really does amount to “shouting ‘fire’ in a public theatre”.

        • Wombat says:

          I would gladly offer him the right to spout whatever nonsense he likes, so long as I am free to take it literally and react accordingly.

          It’s nonsense to believe that with the right fine-tuning for our freedom of expression that we can all get along.


          Mohammed Fuquit there needs to be taken for his word and be put to the sword or exiled as an enemy of civilisation.

          If I threaten my neighbour then I go to jail. If I resist I get shot. Thems the rules.

          • KG says:

            “Mohammed Fuquit there needs to be taken for his word and be put to the sword or exiled as an enemy of civilisation.”
            Damn right.

  2. pascal says:

    When elected officials or serving judges permit protected classes, they are in violation of equality under the law. Public uprisings once had the power to make violations of oaths of office appear to be of a capital nature, usually requiring no more than tar, feathers, rails and some assembly. And wonder of wonder, the violations ceased. Too bad nobody remembers those days.

  3. Michael in Nelson says:

    I have seen several articles on POS Cyril in the Daily Mail. Those who protected him should be charged with all the crimes he committed after they covered for him. I mean not conspiracy but actual rape, paedophilia, etc. because IMO they are just as guilty. Can you imaging a 29 stone (406 pounds) man raping a kid!

    Once again we see politicians putting pressure on police to not uphold the law. The Obama Administration in full flower.

  4. thor42 says:

    Very disappointing to see this.

    Anyway… I will take this opportunity to show you all the email that I sent to the president of Brandeis University (the one that cold-shouldered Ayaan Hirsi Ali).
    Here it is –

    Good evening President Lawrence –

    I am writing to express my great disappointment at your university withdrawing the honorary degree that you were planning on giving to Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

    Brandeis University should be ASHAMED. This is a truly brave and inspiring woman who knows what she is talking about. So her true comments about Islam may have “offended” some people, Muslims included. SO WHAT? I would remind you that the truth is the truth and that sometimes – often, in fact – the truth HURTS.

    The facts are obvious for all to see. Your university (along with almost all others in the West) has been taken over by left-wing ideologues who will not tolerate any dissenting views – even when those views can be shown to be TRUE. Truth no longer matters, does it, Mr Lawrence? “Offense” trumps everything else as far as the left-wing world-view is concerned.

    However, I have good news for you. By not awarding this degree, you have inadvertently kicked off a “Streisand effect” situation (whereby Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s speech has been imbued with even MORE significance than it would otherwise have had. In other words, your attempt to censor her will end up having exactly the OPPOSITE effect to what you intended! I think that is wonderful.

    Even if you and your university do not realise how evil Islam is, there are other people in the world (like Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller and Geert Wilders) who DO realise the dangers that it poses to the West. I am PROUD to stand alongside such courageous and KNOWLEDGEABLE people.

    Thank you for your time.
    – ( my name )

    If anyone wants to do the same, here is his address –

  5. KG says:

    :mrgreen: They needed tellin’, thor.

  6. KG says:

    This headline is all over the net:
    ‘Kansas shooter identified as white supremacist’
    How come it takes days–sometimes weeks–for a bomber or shooter or stabber to be identified as a muslim?
    Curious people would like to know.

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      Two things KG, 1. Every news item I’ve seen today has the “White Supremacist” description and 2. While Holder will most likely prosecute this case because the perp is white, he may be a bit slow because the targets were in a Jewish centre (even if they were not Jewish) and not blacks.

    • Wombat says:

      What I want to know is why they bother to add “supremacist” to the description of “white”.

      If society has taught me anything, it’s if you describe someone as “white” then adding “supremacist” is completely superfluous. :mrgreen:

  7. Michael in Nelson says:
    • thor42 says:

      Yep, I saw on the barenakedislam site that they were fleeing. Good riddance!

      This is a *great* chance for the patriotic Britain First group to step up the pressure on Islam there.

      As for Austria, they should not allow the MB to set up there. Tell ’em to pi$$ off to Somalia or thereabouts.