New Zealand: Pandering to primitives

So much for the concept of “one law for all“.  Again and again, Maoris get away with behaviour that would see white Kiwis prosecuted and jailed. Half the time the bloody police are too afraid ( too afraid, or prevented by their superiors) to confront them anyway. And if maori had any of the “mana” they’re so fond of blathering about, they wouldn’t want this piece of shit as a “king” anyway.
Maori King’s son avoids conviction
The son of the Maori King has been discharged without conviction today on three charges because he would not be eligible to succeed his father with a conviction.
…He was given a discharge without conviction on the burglary and theft charges
Judge Philippa Cunningham accepted that a criminal conviction would be disproportionately detrimental to his future…’
UPDATE: Outside the court, former maori MP Tuku Morgan hailed the decision as “a victory for Maori”
You bet it is. A victory for skin pigmentation over justice. *spit* I’d be just as angry and disgusted if someone escaped justice because he was white.
UPDATE2:  ‘This page demands the resignation of Judge Philippa Cunningham  for discharging without conviction a man who had plead guilty to sex charges involving his 4-year-old daughter.’

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20 Responses to New Zealand: Pandering to primitives

  1. Flashman says:

    The only kingdom these slugs rule is the piece of dirt between the front door and letterbox.

    • KG says:

      Yes indeed. And their culture is so valuable to them it can only survive if propped up with large amounts of taxpayer’s cash.

      • Mathew says:

        Make that largely white taxpayers cash, it’s funny how all these beautiful noble cultures require so much propping up, special treatment and general ass-wiping by others.

    • mawm says:

      From the “Did you know” side bar in your link:-

      Race based funding in 2011 alone cost $1.324 billion……..and despite all that money they remain such primitive low-life’s.

  2. the conservative says:

    An absolute shocker, KG

    • KG says:

      And so disheartening, Conservative. All this kind of thing does is feed their sense of entitlement and excuse their barbarity.

  3. D.T. says:

    It’s like Adam Goodes ( what ever ) talking about racism on an AFL commercial
    and how he confronted it last year…by bullying a 14yr old girl…big FUCKEN hero adam, NOT.

  4. Brown says:

    Maori had heated arguments in the 1800’s about the king movement. It wasn’t seen as sensible by the sensible then and remains a load of bollocks that most Maori don’t support – it puts one tribe in charge of other tribes and that’s never going to be a starter.

  5. KG says:

    Phillipa Cunningham, let us not forget, is the same judge who let off a paedophile entertainer “because he makes us laugh”.
    This woman is unfit for purpose, and should be held to account. :evil:

  6. john says:

    And there I was thinking the “victory for Maori” was when Tuku got his Hugo Boss underdaks on the taxpayers’ dime.

  7. Barry says:

    NZ has gone weak in the head with its pandering to part-horis. It’s now sick in the head.

    • KG says:

      Yep. And ordinary people will pay a high price for it. But if Chinese and Indian immigrants get it together Kiwis may begin to see some real push-back against this garbage.

  8. mawm says:

    It is heartening to see that not everyone is pandering to Moari. Even Dover Samuels came out with this one – “I think the judge is absolutely suffering from some sort of cultural hypnosis”. :mrgreen:

  9. Mathew says:

    Maybe when the glorious heir to the throne has his way with the said judge, she might come to her senses.