David Cameron

is an Obama with a side-order of skin bleach, cowardice and betrayal:
‘..Not only do we export Jihadis, we export the very worst sort of Jihadis. This cream of British exports quite incredibly manages to offend the sensibilities of local Jihadists in Syria, who are apparently quite taken aback by the rash of Christian crucifixions carried out by British Muslims in particular…
…Our prime minister tells us we have a lot to learn from Islam. The self-same prime minister is a founding signatory of Unite Against Fascism, the far-left organisation which allows beheaders of British soldiers to make speeches at their events…’
Paul Weston (Chairman of the British counter-jihad party Liberty GB.)
And Britain will allow about 1,500 of these “British citizens” back into the country. The article reveals the staggering scale of the problem inflicted on the British people by the Blairweasel and continued by Cameron and his cronies.

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9 Responses to David Cameron

  1. Fairfacts Media says:

    I was watching Lord (Norman) Tebbit on the BBC1 programme The Andrew Marr Show this morning and while reviewing the Sunday papers, he commented that there was a problem with a significant number of muslim Jihadists, but he was shouted down by a Labour law lord next to him, who was physically quite bigger than dear old Norman, who is in his 80s and getting quite frail.
    I thought it was quite typical of such screaming know-nothing harridans from the left are are so keen to shout down those who they disagree with them. It was a shame to see this happen to a rather distinguished parliamentarian, an elder statesman, who should have been accorded some respect and dignity. Lord Tebbit rarely appears on tv, as he is far too busy looking after his wife who was disabled during the Brighton bombing all those years ago.
    This may have been one of the last tv appearences by Lord Tebbit as he certainly was looking, well not the fighting force he was, as he silently took the abuse from this Labour lefty.
    Now, you may recall Lord Tebbit devised the cricket test as a way of determining how much immigrants were integrating into their host countries, and this is what he was raising. He was pointing out the faults of multi-culturalism and how it doesn;t work and will lead to war, as it is already in the schools of Birmingham.
    The Labour woman noted the Tories seek to bring in snoooping laws, oblivious to the the fact that such laws are needed to detect the islamic immigrants. Thus, one extra price indigenous Brits are having to pay for mass muslim immigration is the erosion of our civil liberties.
    And that’s before we get onto the schools, the security at airports, electoral fraud and so on.
    We see this when muslims make up 5 per cent of the UK population. What will they be doing when they make up 20 per cent, 30 per cent, God or Allah will only know.
    When the Labour woman reaches Lord Tebbits age, I can only suspect thanks to people like her that the black flag of sharia will be flying over Whitehall. The Labour woman will either be in jail being raped by bodyguards, or she will be at home wearing a black birqua.
    Lord Tebbit no doubt will be looking on from high, knowing he was right and the Labour woman was wrong, though I am sure he will be devastated at what multicularism and the dhimmification, as shown by this Labour woman, will bring to Britain.
    Looking in the papers it becomes clearer by the day the havoc Islam is causing Britain and the rest of the world. The right can see this and are increasingly warning of this. But the left remain, as always, in their state of denial and looking ever more blind and ridiculous.

    • Ronbo says:

      In Britain, as in the United States, the only hope for the survival of our nations are insurrections on the order of the French Revolution of 1789, and a blood purge of our respective traitor ruling classes.

      Liberal constitutions are not suicide pacts, and those who would attempt to hide behind the laws they have destroyed have no right to beg for mercy when at long last the wind changes direction, and fury of revolution falls on them.

      “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

      —Thomas Jefferson

  2. mawm says:

    Headline in todays Telegraph since Fairfacts mentioned Lord Tebbit
    Lord Tebbit: there ‘may’ have been Government cover-up of child abuse
    The veteran former minister says it was the instinct of people at the time to protect “the system” and not to delve too deeply into uncomfortable allegations

    ‘Paedophilia is natural and normal for males’
    Westminster paedophile ring allegations: timeline
    Whitehall child sex inquiry: Home Office confesses to ‘losing’ 114 files
    Whitehall child sex inquiry: the 114 files ‘lost’

    • KG says:

      Of course there’s been a cover-up. The Tories, especially, have a long history of deviant sexual behaviour and it beggars belief that it doesn’t extend to paedophilia.
      Along with their mates the judges and the civil service.