A magnificent post

by Daniel Greenfield:
Israel’s Moloch Syndrome
‘..If we do not learn to take pride in our civilizations, if we do not learn to love our accomplishments, then we will die. If we continue to eat away at ourselves, to act as if our moral and ethics are inferior to those of our enemies, then they will destroy us and then destroy themselves and the darkness will fall.
Let us choose life, light and love. Let us learn to love ourselves and hate our enemies, not out of some reflex or petty jingoism, but because we have come to value what they seek to take from us. Let us drive out the self-hatred. Let us take apart our own cult of death and replace it with a religion of life…’
Not just Israel, of course – this sickness has infected the West. Greenfield puts his finger on what ails us as a society and that it will surely lead to our defeat unless reversed. To reverse it, the left must be destroyed.

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3 Responses to A magnificent post

  1. Ronbo says:

    “Not just Israel, of course – this sickness has infected the West. Greenfield puts his finger on what ails us as a society and that it will surely lead to our defeat unless reversed. To reverse it, the left must be destroyed.”

    I said pretty much the same thing on my blog way back in 2005 and was called. “over the top,” but I observe nine years later this is said quite often in the Rightist community.

  2. Malachi Martin says:

    The best Rightest website in existence in my humble opinion is Western Spring in the UK, because they have a plan, in particular, a defensive plan to preserve our Western culture from the Leftist barbarians. It is worth keeping in touch with the writings of Max Musson, especially his six point plan. Though I disagree with their rejection of Christianity as an essential element for progress, I understand that rejection. In all other matters the site exhibits a commendable intelligence to move on towards an activist stage. I recommend the site to everyone here.