yet another academic idiot:

‘Aboriginal leaders reject call to halt English lessons
A PROMINENT literacy acad­emic responsible for training Eng­lish teachers has challenged the need for Aboriginal children in remote communities to learn Eng­lish and the assumption that their reading and writing skills need fixing.
Stewart Riddle, education lecturer in literacies and English curriculum at the University of Southern Queensland, has questioned whether raising indigenous literacy levels across Australia “is inherently a good thing, in and of itself”, likening it to the assimil­ation policies that led to the Stol­en Generations.
Dr Riddle’s comments were rejected yesterday as “offensive”, “confused” and “nonsense” by indigenous leaders Noel Pearson, Warren Mundine and Chris Sarra, who all said strong literacy skills in English and children’s home languages was essential.
…Mr Pearson said Dr Riddle’s references to the Stolen Generation were “just depressing” and “a reminder of the hopeless thinking that has gone on in teacher-education faculties for too long”.
“And this guy is teaching fut­ure teachers this kind of nonsense,” he said. “If you want to understand why indigenous people fill the juvenile and adult deten­tion facilities in this country, look at their education.
“If you want to understand why their education is a disaster zone, look to people like Riddle.”
via The Australian. (subscription required)
What a babbling fuckwit. There is no such thing as the “Stolen Generations” and some assimilation (a dirty word in leftard circles) would be a damn good thing.This evil prick would be perfectly happy to see Aboriginal kids severely handicapped by a lack of English skills and doomed to life in violent, dysfunctional communities merely to conform to his own sick ideology. *spit*

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7 Responses to yet another academic idiot:

  1. KG says:

    Creatures of the left are very free with the “racist” slur, but they sure like to keep the natives down on the reservation, don’t they?

  2. D.T. says:

    ” Dr Riddle’s comments were rejected yesterday as “offensive”, “confused” and “nonsense” by indigenous leaders Noel Pearson, Warren Mundine and Chris Sarra, “…..really ? I don’t remember voting for them to be MY leader…..I agree with what they say but they are NOT my leader or fucking ELDER.

  3. thor42 says:

    “What a babbling fuckwit. There is no such thing as the “Stolen Generations” and some assimilation (a dirty word in leftard circles) would be a damn good thing.This evil prick would be perfectly happy to see Aboriginal kids severely handicapped by a lack of English skills and doomed to life in violent, dysfunctional communities merely to conform to his own sick ideology.”

    Agreed! You get nowhere in today’s world without English. Hell, even the *Chinese* know that (hence their huge number of English language classes).

  4. Here in the States, there was a movement that suggested that blacks are smarter than whites because they naturally spoke two languages: English and Ebonics. Of course, Ebonics was the mispronunciation of standard English mixed with street colloquialisms. There were even some universities that offered courses in Ebonics. Of course, anyone with half a brain realized that it was all utter BS, but that is the left. The same can be said of Dr. Riddle and his theory. Apparently, common sense is not required for admittance to overseas institutions of higher learning, just like here in the States.

    • Ronbo says:

      When I was in the U.S. Army we had much fun with blacks in our unit by sending them memorandums in Ebonics, all in good fun, of course, this was the 1970s when racial and ethnic humor was widespread, and the black troops would respond in white southern cracker-ese. :mrgreen:

  5. Findalis says:

    Don’t learn English. I don’t know any multinational corporation that uses Maori or any other bs language for their day to day operations.

    Stay ignorant and stupid as a people.

  6. Mathew says:

    The only time aboriginies will take their rightful place in society is when they refuse the hand out, when they tell all these do-gooders to please fuck off and sort their own problems out. They’re not stupid, they’re not disabled or brainless. They don’t need some academic somewhere to tell them how to live their lives and make something of themselves. They can and must do it themselves.