Big Brother

This data law has nothing to do with catching terrorists – and everything to do with a lust for power
The last time the main parties got together in a closed room, did a deal and told the country there was a need to act urgently, we were on the edge of abandoning 300 years of press freedom.
This time our privacy is under threat. In the name of security, the Government is fast-tracking legislation through Parliament that will allow it to collect huge quantities of our personal data…’
Spare a thought for the Brits – but this kind of thing is happening all across the West. And the people of some countries are either too resigned or too uninformed to make a fuss about it.Liberty is rarely seized at gunpoint.  Rather, it dribbles away due to apathy and ignorance.

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13 Responses to Big Brother

  1. Ronbo says:

    Yes, it does :!:

    John Q. Public is a terrorist…at least to the American federal government.

    …and they the have concentration camps ready for us. :evil:

  2. pascal says:

    As you wrote ” but this kind of thing is happening all across the West, ” this morning’s drudge headline is related.

    Whistleblower: Ultimate goal of NSA is total population control…

    Putting aside that we all know that Drudge is masterful at composing provocative headlines, he never adds what is not already hinted at by the news.

    This is a simple frisk.

    Who does NSA work for?
    Anyone thinking the answer is “they work for the American citizen,” I would offer to sell you a bridge, but you’ve already bought too many.

    As for “total population control,” anyone who thinks there are limits to HOW the population is to be controlled, well, over a century ago H.G. Wells said you Eloi would be naive.

    • Ronbo says:

      I worked for the National Security Agency ever directly or indirectly most of my 20 year military career, this proving that Shakespeare had it right when he said in Hamlet, “Hoist with his own petar” – although in my service days the NSA was said to be spying only on America’s enemies, not her friends and allies, and most certainly NOT on my fellow citizens. :cry:

      • Pascal says:

        I may know how you feel Ron. I had a hand in the creation of over 100 communication satellites, including GPS trackers, and in setting a standard so that others could be launched. I have no say in their misuse.

  3. There is a confluence of events in the West that have conspired to bring about a direct threat to our freedoms. Public apathy slows any reaction of the public to this threat, and so the public is unaware of the danger. The most stark example of this tendency is Britain. A Muslim can threaten and scream insults, but an Englishman cannot. For some reason, this is acceptable with the traditional native population. The owner of a pub is arrested for posting newspaper articles on a bulletin board that create a theme, yet the Muslim screaming threats at a British police officer is ignored.

    Now Britain follows the United States in the collection of data against all of it’s citizens in order to prevent terrorism. The public is watched by thousands of cameras in public areas, and shrug it off. Unaware that whatever privacy they have left is dwindling away rapidly. George Orwell’s 1984 is coming into existence in the West. At least we cannot say that we were not warned.

  4. KG says:

    I’m staggered at how little privacy matters to very many people nowadays. And those same people are resentful and hostile when gently reminded that parts of my life are none of their damn business.

    • pascal says:

      Wells’ vision was a perfect separation of the species into Eloi and Morlock. That was not only fiction, it was scifi/fantasy. Yet, over a century of indoctrination it seems we are witnessing our fellow aping a close enough verisimilitude. They don’t notice the things creeping around in the dark even when confronted by facts. And they get rather cranky when those they actually deal with do not conform to expectations, even to the point of violence. But never violence about those thinks skulking around in the dark. Fellow Eloi trying to scare them as if it were a game they don’t like.

      As an example, I’ve a sister who once said to me flatly “It’s not that I have my head in the sand; I just don’t want to know.” When pressed, she hopes someone will do something so that events will go where she’d prefer, but as to her own involvement — nah.

      That’s it isn’t it KG. Nah. Naaaaah. Naaaah……

      • KG says:

        That’s exactly it, Pascal.
        And I doubt it’s fixable.

        • pascal says:

          Here’s another one. Great golfer this week. currently leading John Deere Classic. Shot 2 eagle yesterday and 1 eagle today — so far. Been on the PGA tour for 9 years and never heard of him. And still looks like a kid. And his grin?
          Take a look.

          I think he’s been the cover-boy for Mad Magazine for the last 60+ years.

          and his cousin

  5. Brown says:

    These developments remind me of the film Oblivion where Victoria won’t go to the surface, won’t admit to memories and won’t listen to Jack’s warnings. She eventually says she doesn’t want to know when faced with a serious event that would make any one sensible question their circumstances. Only when faced with a final WTF moment does she question her perceived reality for about a second before being killed. At least she was in love so can be excused for being blind and I suspect blindness is reality for most today without love confusing anything.

    Maybe this film resonates with me because it raises questions of reality but I like the redeemed hero etc… as well.