There’s no getting the lid back on now Pandora.

Documentary on 3D Printing guns and the implications it brings.

Midway in we have the typical liberal(NYT author) inability to see the obvious future implications new technologies bring with them and their continued denial that a tool is just a tool until someone uses it for a purpose,good or not.They also never consider that most items in daily life can be used for either good or evil. One of the core mental defects that liberals have is their refusal to acknowledge that evil even exists,to do so would mean there is a possibility they are fallible and therefore capable of being wrong and we can’t have that can we?

The money quote in that video was this one-“we live in a society where we have so many freedoms that we have to ban everything” I would say plenty of evidence exists that it is precisely the case.

The gun parts in that first video still need a lot of refinement before they can work effectively on a routine basis.However in this next video we see that adding powdered metal and a Laser to the mix yields some impressive results-

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3 Responses to There’s no getting the lid back on now Pandora.

  1. KG says:

    The liberal idiots never tackle the hard stuff, such as a M.E. awash with weapons being used to murder on a routine basis.
    Such as most murders involving firearms being black-on-black crimes.
    They simply want to strike a pose that makes them feel good. And for a liberal, feelings trump facts every time.

    • Darin says:

      Yup,I thought we were now supposed to have a UN small arms ban in place?Wasn’t that supposed to stop say Hamas from getting rockets and Ak’s?Hummm guess not,probably because they don’t give a rats arse about any rules.Would have never guessed that the way they use their women and children for human shields.Much easier to persecute law abiding people.

      With the level of technology available to people these days the government should really think twice before pissing us off.A look at the numbers of machine tools both manual and CNC being bought these days is through the roof and they aren’t being sold to large corporations.

  2. Ronbo says:

    The fact that We The People can get along better without government, because of advances in technology and wide spread global capitalism, very likely explains the world wide collectivist push by Western governments designed to create a planetary Orwellian Big Brother State.