Arab recycling

192802_5_ ‘Pictures show that the same family killed in Syria by Assad was also killed by IDF bombing in Gaza a couple of days ago, according to Arab media…’

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10 Responses to Arab recycling

  1. Ronbo says:

    What :?: :!: :?:

    I’m DEAD again :!: :?: :!: :twisted:

  2. KG says:

    They’ll probably have to die again to illustrate the dangers of fracking.

  3. Findalis says:

    One dead Syrian baby, one million dead Fakistinian babies. Arab form of recycling.

  4. Pascal says:

    Did our own media pass along the same report? If it did, it belongs in my SSM episode collection.

  5. Darin says:

    Two questions I have are-

    #1 how many more times will the MSM be caught doing is after all at least the fourth time in the past couple years.

    #2 who really killed those kids.

    • thor42 says:

      #1 – Depressingly more times, I’d say.

      #2 – I don’t know, but I’d *bet* it wasn’t Israel.

  6. Ronbo says:

    Obamacare :?:

    The only thing worse than Canadian healthcare :!:

  7. thor42 says:

    Yep – Pallywood in full swing (and the utterly braindead left-wing MSM lap it up).

    Had a lively debate elsewhere with some braindead pro-Fakestinian folks. I managed to *shut them up* well and truly by saying that when Israel pulled out of Gaza in 2006 (IIRC), that was the one-in-a-thousand-lifetimes chance for the Fakestinians to prove that they wanted peace (if they really did).

    Of course, we all know here that they *don’t* want peace, and they threw the chance out the window, firing more rockets than ever at Israel.

    Even one of the higher-level Fakestinians has admitted that every rocket fired at Israel is a war crime.

    • Darin says:

      It’s a shame Thor,some in Gaza want peace and they want to just live normal lives,raise a family and better themselves.Several Jewish owned corporations setup factories and hired mostly Arab labor to the benefit of all.

      Sadly the bomb throwing,child killing muzbots want otherwise. :evil:

  8. George Romero says:

    It’s those zombie kids again i tell ya!They just don’t stay down.
    I heard Angalina Jolie has offed to pay for their burials and a small donation to their families , but hammas had intercepted the money
    and purchased some more suicide vests for the children of the Arab fakestinians.