Natash Bita is a clown. A shallow fool.

From an opinion piece in today’s Australian: (Rego required)
‘MELDED by migration and forged by feminism,(“forged by feminism”?? That must be news to the men and women who built the bloody place) Australia has been transformed in half a century from its whitebread heritage into a cosmopolitan and egalitarian society envied the world over. (“Transformed”? Australia was an egalitarian society even before WW1)
In 1964, when the first edition of The Australian rolled off the presses, this country employed a White Australia policy, and managed migration under the Aliens Act.(Which resulted in a damn sight more harmonious society than we have now. ) Women lost their jobs when they married. (Not necessarily.That borders on an outright lie) Children died from tuberculosis and were crippled with polio.(Rarely, and rates were among the lowest in the world. TB rates are on the rise now, though, thanks to mizz Bita’s cosmopolitanism) Men made up two-thirds of university students. (And they mostly studied useful subjects, not environmental “studies” or feminazi “theories”) We used typewriters and corded telephones, wrote letters in longhand and knew how to read street maps. (The horror! Telephones with cords attached! Writing letters! And knowing how to read street maps is just!)
Whoever decided to publish this silly cow’s demented drivel must have been hungover at the time.

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10 Responses to Natash Bita is a clown. A shallow fool.

  1. Ronbo says:

    “Australia Transformed :?:

    I hope it’s not like America’s transformation under The Magic Negro :?:

    A First World Country magically transformed into a Third World Slum by the introduction of millions of the most stupid, diseased and criminal alien parasites from the worst ghettos on the planet :?: :sad:

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Ronbo, given that Australia’s primary export is no longer minerals, but “Australians” joining the slaughter in Iraq and Syria, I suspect your question is rhetorical.

  2. k2 says:

    “Men made up two-thirds of university students.”

    Doh. Since reliable safe birth control had yet to be invented “postponing family for a career” was not an option. More women in college has never been a function of discrimination, but of biology. The race/sex mongers revise history for political control. Give your constituents a “chip” on their shoulder and you’re halfway to the gravy train of office.

  3. KG says:

    “Give your constituents a “chip” on their shoulder and you’re halfway to the gravy train of office.”
    Yep, exactly.

  4. Ronbo says:

    Ah yes, the infamous Leftist “victim card” :!:

    The women are “victims.” The blacks are “victims.” Attorney General Eric “Von” Holder is a “victim” of racism even though he’s the most powerful law enforcement officer in the country – and, of course, President Barack “Insane” Obama is a “victim” of racism even though he is one of the most powerful men on the planet :!: :mrgreen:

    In fact, everyone is a victim of something except straight white males, the hardworking backbone of the country, who are responsible for everything wrong.

    “White Privilege :?: ” heh…

    We need to stop working and start shooting some “victims.” :evil:

  5. Michael in Nelson says:

    Another Australian for you to love KG. How much are you going to donate to him and his cause? :mrgreen:

    • KG says:

      I bloody detest that lying opportunist Flannery, Michael. In a civilised society, the prick would be in jail for fraud. :evil: