
Obama-Golf-Cart-Vineyard-AP  Horrors of ISIS: Children Buried Alive, Crucified Corpses

‘White House: No Change in Obama Vacation or Fundraising Plans.’
‘Next Up: 12-Day Martha’s Vineyard Vacation…’

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20 Responses to Priorities.

  1. Michael in Nelson says:

    Great news! The MSM has decided to hold the POTUS accountable for his withdrawal of troops from Iraq. Oh wait, he just said it wasn’t his decision, so they can ignore that too.

  2. andy5759 says:

    Doug Ross has a post linking to which has some graphic portrayals of IS barbarity. Don’t go to his blog after eating.

  3. mawm says:

    It must have hurt Obama to bomb his mates that he has been arming since Libya – two sorties of two planes on very limited targets.

    Even the NYT reveals that he reluctantly ‘ordered’ the bombing to prevent another Benghazi-type scandal.

    • kg says:

      well well! What a surprise!
      Not. A mere four airstrikes looked half-hearted, that’s for sure. What happened to cruise missiles? Or has the disgusting boy-king unilateraly banned the use of those?

  4. Ronbo says:

    “What comes around, goes around” – It would appear that 1400 year evolution of Islam – marked by endless wars against the “Infidels” – has returned in full fury to its Middle East origins to visit mass murder and civil war.

    Yes, I understand that Christians and other religions are being savaged by the ISIS barbarians; however, most of the body count is their fellow Muslims – the Sunni and Shiite – who don’t follow the ISIS brand of Islam.

    Who is next on the ISIS shit list. Yes, the West has been mentioned, but the West World is far away while Jordan and Saudi Arabia to the south lay open to invasion by the ISIS storm troopers, as soon as Iraq is looted and destroyed.

    Saudi Arabia is the jewel in the Arab crown and wealthy beyond counting thanks to the petro dollars, and ruled by the corrupt and degenerate House of Saud. One can see an alliance in the making with Shiite Iran, who very likely wants the destruction of Saudi Arabia more than Israel.

    I know the pundits are saying that the West is in danger, but ever the starry eyed drunk poet at end of the bar who sees the glass half full and never half empty, I say when the stabbing, cutting and shooting is done in the Middle East there will nothing left of Islam but a pile of stinking bodies under the hot desert sun.

    What should we in West World do while Islam commits suicide? Of course, help Christians and other religions to escape certain death, but other than that I would suggest stocking up on beer and popcorn, and watch the Götterdämmerung of Islam on HDTV.

    • mawm says:

      “Stupidity and cowardice is latent in the DNA of the American Left when it comes to the threat from Jihad..” :shock:

      “ISIS is already targeting Christians. They haven’t targeted Jews because there are no Jews to target–yet. America is a nation with predominantly Judeo-Christian values. ISIS has overtly threatened the US homeland.”

    • mawm says:

      BTW what happened to Obama and Hillary’s R2P that was applicable in Libya to protect arabs from Ghadaffi that is not applicable to the 1000’s of arabs being slaughtered in Iraq? It must be something to do with the MB. :roll:

  5. And has anyone noticed that there hasn’t been a peep out of the U.N. about these atrocities? Didn’t the left solemnly intone on more than one occasion that never again would the world stand by and allow the innocent to be slaughtered in a red wave of genocide? And where is the world court screeching about war crimes? Funny how you don’t hear anything about that either.

    On the bright side, the leftist reputation for hypocrisy remains sterling.

  6. Darin says:

    Don’t worry,John Kerry is riding to the rescue on his Barbie Girls Bicycle :roll:

    What is it with Demorats and girls bikes?

  7. Ronbo says:

    In the early 1970s, as part of an assignment with Military Intelligence, I was sent undercover to an anti-war rally, so very common in the Washington, D.C. in those days and got to see close up John Fucking Kerry when he was a nobody radical trying to upstage well known anti-war radicals like Abbie Hoffman and Jane Fonda.

    I came away with the impression he was a dumb shit rich kid with a room temperature I.Q. who could barely walk and chew gum at the same time.

    • Darin says:

      Ron,the only reason he’s not living out of a card board box and drinking Ripple from a milk jug is because he married a chalk faced whore that inherited a boat load of cash.

      But then that’s the story with a lot of the dim witted arseholes.

      • Ronbo says:

        This is problem with the children of rich people.

        The family fortune is put together by a dynamic genius, and passed down by way of trust funds, but the generations following the founder get more and more stupid as time flows on.

        Take the Kennedy clan for example. Old Joseph was a smart pirate, and John and Robert were intelligent chaps.

        Then the great dumbing down starting with Teddy and his children, although Caroline Kennedy has a Forest Gump I.Q.

        Today the once proud Kennedy clan are little more than rich knuckle dragging apes.

  8. kg says:

    “Today the once proud Kennedy clan are little more than rich knuckle dragging apes.”
    :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

  9. mistress mara says:

    The Western ISIS ape-ists WILL trickle back to their “adopted” countries and bring with them the gaggingly awful practices that they committed in Iraq and Syria etc. Western Intelligence (an oxymoron in this case) will track and control them. Really? When Grandma’s legs are blown out from under her in a Mall in Sydney or Auckland, we will probably talk about disaffected youths and the trials of assimilation into a hostile and racist society. BTW, Islam is not a race. It is a disease.

  10. Brown says:

    think that the western radicals will have no where to hide when it turns against them as they are on watch lists at their home borders. They will hopefully suffer the same fate as the local thugs and, should they get back to the west, they will be hunted down because the crimes are such that even the hand wringers cannot ignore them. There can be no prisoners taken from the ISIS ranks.

    What is interesting is that a local church mate who is very left leaning is now questioning his long held views about Arabs and Palestinians. We chatted about it today and he clung briefly to the past ages of brutal behaviour by other religions until I pointed out that this is 2014 and what excuse can someone from the west have to act in this way. He knows there is no excuse and that there can be no debate with people in ISIS. Today the Anglicans in Iraq wore red rather than the green normally used on this Sunday of the year. Red is the colour for martyrs.

  11. Ronbo says:

    mistress mara says:

    “The Western ISIS ape-ists WILL trickle back to their “adopted” countries and bring with them the gaggingly awful practices that they committed in Iraq and Syria etc. Western Intelligence (an oxymoron in this case) will track and control them. Really? When Grandma’s legs are blown out from under her in a Mall in Sydney or Auckland, we will probably talk about disaffected youths and the trials of assimilation into a hostile and racist society. BTW, Islam is not a race. It is a disease.”

    I doubt our Intelligence agencies in the West – who during Cold War days – saved us from many a dastardly Communist plot will be any help in stopping the ISIS terrorist who have American, Australian, New Zealand, British, etc. passports from opening a new terror front in the local Malls, because they are MORE concerned with keeping down the white middle class majority.

    However, when the wave ISIS suicide bombers start ripping apart our neighbors with IEDs, our various regimes of occupation may find their worthless bureaucrats and politicians on the receiving end of some very lethal incoming mail for their failure to protect the public. :twisted: