‘Want Your Manhood Back?’

The brilliant Francis Porretto has some advice for you:
‘..Throughout the United States, the United Kingdom, and most of the rest of the First World, manhood — masculine virtue and the self-respect that flows from it — is being anathematized if not outlawed. Worse yet, it’s been made risky to the practitioner. No aspect of male conduct is deemed too trivial to condemn. Believe it or not, there’s a nation in Europe where urinating while standing up has been made into a penalizable offense. Think I’m kidding? Try it in a public loo in Germany and get back to me on the results.
Just as there is no defense, there is no Last Graf, wherein the wise and perspicacious commentator prescribes a cure for the malady. Manhood is being transformed into a liability at best, a crime at worst. Exhibiting traditional masculine virtue and civic duty in a public setting can get you arrested, brutalized or killed. Exhibiting gallantry toward a woman isn’t quite as hazardous, but it’s far from safe, especially if the woman is unknown to you. The “authorities,” such as they are, are most definitely not on your side…’

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2 Responses to ‘Want Your Manhood Back?’

  1. Michael in Nelson says:

    A little known story of creation:

    When God finished making man and woman, he had two items left in his shop. He called the two humans over and told them he still had these two things and that they could each chose one. The first thing as peeing while standing up. Adam immediately wanted it and begged, “Me, me! Hh please, please!” Eve didn’t really care, so she let Adam have his choice. He immediately ran around marking trees, rocks and bushes with his new talent.

    Eve turned to God and asked, “Well, what do I get?” God said, “Let’s see…oh yes, here it is…multiple orgasms” :mrgreen:

  2. andy5759 says:

    Thanks Michael, I will use that tonight.

    During the 1960s it was not possible to walk into any male dominated workplace without seeing soft porn calendars or centre spreads. That, and other male behaviour was branded as misogynistic by the feminists. Perhaps that was too strong a word. Women are more comfortable in the company of male strangers these days, good. Instead of laying off the constant whining they keep upping the ante. What is now happening can only be described as misandry. My God, in half a century we have gone from men being men to men pissing while sitting down. Penis envy will be the death of us.