Is there really any difference between Cops and criminals?

In America the Police can arrest your money-

Lessons learned-

#1 Never talk to a Cop

#2 Never allow them to search your car

#3 If they ask where you are going or what you are doing tell them it’s none of their business

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14 Responses to Is there really any difference between Cops and criminals?

  1. Ronbo says:

    The police cannot stop you unless they have probable cause that you have committed a crime, or have a warrant for your arrest in their hot little hands. Also, they cannot search your car unless you sign a waiver…and you’d be foolish to do so, as you run the risk the cops may plant something illegal to get you arrested.

    If the cop comes on strong and won’t let you go your merry way, just say the magic word over and over “LAWYER!”

  2. Odakyu-sen says:

    If the cops caught all the criminals, they’d be out of a job. To get around this problem, they need to:

    a. Especially avoid catching the criminals who commit a lot of the crime.
    b. Create more criminals
    c. Be busy doing “stuff” that doesn’t involve catching criminals

  3. Odakyu-sen says:

    Oh, I almost forgot:

    d. On no account allow the public to develop the skills to catch or deter crimials

  4. thank for the warning

  5. Robertv says:

    There has never been ‘We The People’

    The Whiskey Rebellion, or Whiskey Insurrection, was a tax protest in the United States beginning in 1791, during the presidency of George Washington. The rebellion was provoked by the imposition of an excise tax on distilled spirits. Although the tax applied to all distilled spirits, whiskey was by far the most popular distilled beverage in 18th-century America so the excise became widely known as a “whiskey tax.” The new excise was a part of treasury secretary Alexander Hamilton’s program to fund war debt incurred during the Revolutionary War.

    The tax was resisted by farmers in the western frontier regions who were long accustomed to distilling their surplus grain and corn into whiskey. In these regions, whiskey was sufficiently popular that it often served as a medium of exchange. Many of the resisters were war veterans who believed that they were fighting for the principles of the American Revolution, in particular against taxation without local representation, while the Federal government maintained the taxes were the legal expression of the taxation powers of Congress.

  6. Darin says:

    IV-The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

    One more part they have decided to edit out :evil:

  7. mistress mara says:

    Sorry, but who do you call at 3am when some bastard is in your home and you are fearful for your child? I am all for being armed and, ahem, I might be, but most people are not able or equipped to deal with ferals who invade them. Good or bad, that’s why we have police.

    • Ronbo says:

      True, mistress mara, and I think everyone posting at CR know there are plenty of good cops out there who want to protect and serve their community…I was a military policeman for a short time at a small Army base in Northern Virginia in 1970 and I treated my fellow soldiers with respect even when they got drunk and disorderly on Friday nights at the EM, NCO and Officer’s Clubs.

      A soldier needs to blow off some steam on Friday night :!:

      It’s his patriotic duty :!: :mrgreen:

      Of course, my patriotic duty as an MP was to take him home and put him in the custody of a usually angry wife who wanted to know why he was drinking up THEIR paycheck. :mrgreen:

      However, there are a minority of bad apples out there wearing blue, who have really gotten out of hand since Obama became president.

      This is an excellent example: A man is arrested for taking pictures of a SWAT raid at a house across the street.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      And what good are police in the scenario you describe, Mara, but to take witness statements and organise counselling for your recently-rapes child?

      Mrs Gantt has finally seen the sense in a well-armed citizenry – specifically, a well-armed Gantt Guy, so I’m about to start the process of obtaining a firearms licence so I can legally acquire adequate means of protection. Meantime there are a couple of nasty-looking knives next to my bed and an angry man who knows how to use them, should the need arise.

      • Darin says:

        I look at it in terms of statistical probability.The City I live in is about 25 square miles in size and contains 15,000 homes and businesses approximately.At any one time during the day or night there are no more than 4 policemen on patrol.Same numbers apply to the county,it’s probably 150 square miles,not nearly as populated and only 3 sheriff’s deputies are on patrol at any given time.
        Thankfully our violent crime rate is very low due to the number of armed citizens,but still if you need a cop it will be a minimum of 8-10 minutes before they arrive,unless they just happen to be right down the street.
        In a fight a lot of bad can happen in 8-10 minutes.If one or more of those cops is busy shaking down people for money out on the highway then they aren’t even prepared enough to make an emergency call in 10 minutes.
        So a grasp of reality,fight or flight and the knowledge that anything can be used as a weapon is the best course of action IMO.
        Better to be tried by twelve than carried by six afterall.

        • KG says:

          The most contempt I ever felt for a man was during a dinner-party conversation some years ago. The subject got around to the-then spate of armed and violent home invasions and the person I was talking to (a teacher) was adamantly anti-gun.
          So I asked him if he’d pick up a gun if an invader was threatening his wife and children.
          The answer was “no” and much as I liked his wife, I never spoke to him again.
          If a man won’t at least try to protect his family, then he’s no man at all and certainly no husband and father.

  8. andy5759 says:

    The state only has the power that we permit. Just as we only have the freedoms they permit us. That’s upside down, now we know what to do, let’s do it.