Police State, much?

Via The Woodpile Report

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2 Responses to Police State, much?

  1. Ronbo says:

    The world we live in: the money is worthless and we can be indicted/tried/sentenced to the Gulag by the Government at any time for any reason.

    How to prosecute anybody

    Look around for “suspicious” behavior, i.e., behavior on the part of a private citizen that can be made to appear suspicious

    Ruthlessly probe every element of the “suspect’s” life, using the effectively infinite resources of the State, until enough “suspicious” behavior has been amassed

    Assemble a huge list of charges to place before a grand jury

    Present the case in such a fashion as to promote the less plausible accusations and obscure the more plausible ones, thus securing a grab-bag indictment

    Offer the indicted person a plea bargain that will spare him centuries in prison and complete pauperization at the bargain price of a few years and/or a few thousand dollars.

    Francis Porretto

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