Bordering on insanity:

islamstate  Australian leftards, on the anti-terrorism raids.

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8 Responses to Bordering on insanity:

  1. Phil Stephenson says:

    The real story is that would-be Islamic terrorists were conspiring to kidnap a random Australian, wrap him or her in an Islamic State flag, and behead the innocent, random victim, while video-taping the random murder for propaganda purposes. Yet, instead of reporting the actual story, or at least the important part, (the part that matters), the ABC reported an allegation by one of the crims that he was injured by the police, as if anyone woud give a flying f*ck.

  2. Michael in Nelson says:

    I don’t see a link. Is this a cartoon from a newspaper? The problem I have with it is it is ambivalent. The perps in the cartoon are wearing ‘Islamic State’ T-shirts which would justify their arrests but the question allows the Left to question the tactics used.

    I would hope the cops followed the law because I can’t imagine how infuriated the general population will be if the plotters get off on bad procedure.

    • KG says:

      Not at all ambivalent to the vast majority of Aussies, Michael. They’ll see that as intended – pointing out the hypocrisy of slimeball muzzies who promote and carry out terrorist acts while all the time claiming that they’re “victimised” and afraid of the great mythical “backlash”.
      The cartoon is from The Australian.

  3. Robertv says:

    ISIS is fake. Just when the west needed them they were there like O b Laden. ISIS is a distraction.

    The real muslim occupation will be by stealth. One day you wake up and they will have won the election with absolute majority.

    Of Course it could also have been created by the west to force the final solution.(but that, I doubt it.)

    • Darin says:

      It’s two sides of the same islamic coin.On the one we have the violent media propaganda whores and on the other the so called “peaceful” parasitic muslims that immigrate,propagate and clear the way for creeping sharia,while we pay for it all.

      The problem is western government and the lack of leadership.Our spineless metrosexual empty suits are simply incapable of dealing with the threat.The new nexus of terror is we now have a situation where domestically born and raised muslims can transition back and forth between their western home and support base to the international battlefield freely.

      There is talk,and so far only talk of pulling passports and denying re-entry of these vermin when they try to re-enter our respective countries.That is why we will loose this war.No one has the spine to track these vermin and end them.

  4. Pascal says:

    “Mad Left joins with madder Islamists.”

    Calling them both mad is a way of dismissing the threat of cold, calculating murderers. Both the Left and Islamists. The Death cults long ago converged and work in league. Both employ taqiyya, which suits the majority of cowardly Westerners just fine. The lies provide a veil to hide their cowardice, and the murderers know well how to weave.

  5. Cadwallader says:

    Is it not time to examine domestic policing as well as military responses to Islamofilth? Perhaps the creation of a new Homicide offence which could be labelled “Hate Killing” would apply. This higher grade killing would carry either mandatory life imprisonment or the death penalty. One hesitation I have had in the past to the death penalty is the possibility of a mistaken identity being executed. What Islamofilth relish is the very public perpetration of their killings, therefore mistaken identity issues would not be prevalent. The naysayers will insist that the death penalty will create celebrated martyrs in the Islamo world, but who cares? The best attribute of a martyr is that he’s dead! Increasing domestic policing would counter the quiet infiltration of the so-called “peaceful”* Islamos on a level beneath but alongside military combat.
    * “Peaceful” Islamos is the contradiction of the century, if not of all time.

  6. The Gantt Guy says:

    I like Larry Pickering’s seven-point plan, as a starting point:

    1. Stop building mosques.
    2. Stop Islamic immigration.
    3. Ban insidious Sharia law.
    4. Stop the welfare rorts.
    5. Arrest those who incite violence.
    6. Stop the Halal certification extortion racket that finances their terrorist activities and,
    7. Stop the PC and 18C nonsense that exhibits our weakness and emboldens Islam’s worst.

    (Yeah I saw it too – old Larry had 6 in their twice in his post).