Amnesty? Not for Christians.

Feds order bible college to deport 120 Christian students.

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6 Responses to Amnesty? Not for Christians.

  1. Ronbo says:

    Why am I not surprised :?: What else can you expect from the Communist president of the USSA (United Socialist States of America) :evil:

  2. Warren Tooley says:

    Disgraceful, :x , more money is going into the US. They are their to learn, and then they’re back in their own country. How is the USA losing out of this? It has to be an agenda.

  3. Darin says:

    Obama and the entire left are anti-Christian,anti-western,anti-capitalist,anti-freedom bigots. What else must we know about them?

  4. Warren Tooley says:

    That if they destroy the economy, people will be more dependent on the government. And if the US dollar is destroyed, they will be dependent on a world currency. That the old USSR symbol has a hammer and a sickle. This means tear down, with the sickle and rebuild with the hammer, in other words communism happens when you destabilise society. I think your comment and my comment covers everything. :cry:

  5. Warren Tooley says:

    Well then I guess its now or never. This is not the same America I grew up in. I went to a Christian school while there (I’m not there anymore) and one of my classmates is now a professor. A few months ago, she was teaching feminists rights, gays rights and twittering petitions for gays, lesbians etc to participate in the olympics. Not to mention upholding the equivalent of CYFs And another classmate was on a protest to stop animals being slaughtered. It was a small school of about 100 people in total, about 15 in my class.

    Obama has been doing everything he can to get rid of people’s guns Their are some people so fed up with him, that they are wanting their state to have nothing to do with washington DC, secession (if I’ve spelt it right). If now is not the time for them to take their country back, this next generation won’t know any better. Please note, my dad had work in the states, but I could never be eligible for citizenship.