Some staggering numbers

Freedom Fighter’s Journal

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9 Responses to Some staggering numbers

  1. Darin says:

    Great post Ron,I copied and e-mailed it to about 90 people.

    • Ronbo says:

      Thanks, Darin: MAY IT GO VIRAL :!:

      What nonsense these dangerous parasites and criminals “can’t be deported” :!: :evil:

      There are fleets of trains, planes and buses – and many dark battalions of Homeland Security Stormtroopers – who could do the job in less than a year :!: :evil:

      Also, we should do again what we did in 1924 and close “The Golden Gate” for a couple of generations until the millions of legal immigrants become Americanized.

      • Darin says:

        I’ve been calling for a 20 year moratorium on immigration for years now.We need to cut our quotas by at least 80%.

        As for deporting them,we have proven that all we need to do is poison the labor market for employers who hire illegals.Here the state sued the federal government and won before the SCOTUS on our own state law fining employers who are caught with illegal aliens working.$10,000 per employee and we enforce it down to weekend lawn care types too.

        Almost overnight they emptied out of the state,no work to be had and they self deport.No fuss,no muss.

  2. Contempt says:

    :shock: Notice also that those 20M are dominantly not of Spanish descent. They are mestizos descended from whoever. Me racist. But never see a Spaniard in the crowd. THEY are all laughing at the US. :roll: Think the number is closer to 30M.

  3. HarvardPotatoHead says:

    !!!FMS$.25c!!!*BlackBerry has axd yours very trulily to announce that free margaritas undt Coronas wilst B freely administered @ the new hasta luego Bario & Grille which also features fried cactus, mountain oysters, Alphonso Sharptonne speaking in Negro dialect uponsty the values of metele en el cula around the clock!!!!OMGGG!!!got a beep it Diplomatic Pouchiiieeeiiieeehheellllpp

    *FMS$.25c – fuck mio seestar 25 cents Plus she b a virgin too.

  4. Darin says:

    No way are getting rid of Harvard ,Contempt,he’s just too valuable.The top secret codes buried in his posts have revealed valuable data.Just two weeks ago,using a cipher that KG and I worked out based on the equidistant letter sequence we were able to determine that Denny’s had their grand slam breakfast onsale for $4.99 :shock:

    Unfortunately it was the Hong Kong location only,but you never know when something might break