Indict the bastard

for incitement to riot.
‘Playing the race card more overtly than ever before, Barack Obama told Black Entertainment Television that racism is “deeply rooted” in the United States.’
This contemptible piece of shit knows all about racism. After all, he, his Attorney General, his appointee to the Supreme Court and his cronies are the most blatant racists around.
Perhaps he’s compensating for being an undocumented half-breed?

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One Response to Indict the bastard

  1. k2 says:

    I’d say there’s a good chance he is correct – at least NOW anyway. We elected a black man President twice and the reward for that was being kicked in the face with a government takeover of health care, continually insulted and more racial animosity than I’ve ever seen in my lifetime against whites – created explicitly by Obama and his media minions. Combine that with an illegal undemocratic attempt to change the country’s racial demographics and I doubt very much that all the left wing news media in the world will be enough to get another leftist black man elected to high office in the next 100 years anyway. The one thing to remember is that anti-racists need racists to prosper, and if there aren’t enough racists around, you can always manufacture them. A case in point.