WTF! #2:

Australian PM: ISIS ‘Has Nothing to Do With Any Religion’

“The point I keep making is that the ISIL death cult has nothing to do with any religion, any real religion. It has nothing to do with any particular community. It is something to which sick individuals succumb, and sick individuals exist in all communities and in all societies. This idea that, you know, ISIL is somehow spawned by any particular religion, frankly, it’s probably even less true than saying that Catholicism spawned the IRA. They’re just completely separate things” he stated.
Tony Abbott has now lost all credibility as far as I’m concerned. Dumb (or dishonest) bastard. This statement of his is jaw-droppingly separated from reality. The ABC should offer him a job.

Correction: He’s too smart to believe this crap. He’s being dishonest.

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24 Responses to WTF! #2:

  1. fish153 says:

    very dishonest indeed….!! :cry:

  2. Odakyu-sen says:

    I think the root of the problem is that when Abbot says “religion” he means “religion” in a Western context. To the ISIS mind, the concept that we translate into English using the term “religion” is completely different.

    So in a way, Abbot is correct. But he’s also misleading.

    The West’s problem is that it’s using the wrong word (“religion”). What it should do, is replace “religion” with “Islam.” When you do that, it all gets a lot clearer.

  3. Seneca III says:

    Islam is neither a religion nor a race. It is a theocratic political system adopted and endorsed by a substantial number of members of virtually every ‘race’ on the planet with the possible exception of some lost tribes in the Amazon Basin and the Adaman Islands…the brain dead denizens of Twitterdom included, of course.

  4. Cadwallader says:

    Well….if ISIS has nothing to do with religion then neither does the Pope! :evil:

  5. KG says:

    This Kiwi wanker thinks the way to fight terrorism is to surrender. :shock:

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Oddly enough, Rudman is (for the first time in his life) at least partly-right. When he says

      “Odd how he forgot that governments on both sides of the Tasman painted lurid pictures of just such a terrorist attack to justify giving the state expanded powers to search and pry into the rest of us with impunity”

      he inadvertently hits the nail on the head. They did indeed use the threat of such an attack to justify their enhanced snooping and surveillance laws.

      Had they any courage, backbone, integrity, honesty, they would have quite simply targeted (“profiled”) the societal group overwhelmingly more likely than any other to carry out such an attack. Blanket surveillance and seizure powers are not required. Honesty is.

      Which is why it’ll never happen,

  6. Darin says:

    Did someone get to him?Did he fall and hit his head last night?Is he having a stroke? :shock:

    Oh,wait,my bad,he’s doing this to protect the moderate muslims in the world from backlash…..both of them.

  7. mawm says:

    It’s a disease – no not Islam, that’s a mental derangement, but rather what Western politicians get when they come into contact with any of the UN/EU/G8/G20/Obama etc. Suddenly multiculturalism, third world refugees, global warming, jihad, Palestine, first peoples, gun control, etc. become good and important things even if they need to throw their country and voters under the bus to support them. I often wonder what threat/inducement/financial reward gets made. Cu*ts!

  8. KG says:

    Great cartoon! And a truth too few are prepared to confront.

  9. Ronbo says:

    PM Abbott is the latest in a long line of Western Politicians telling the Muslims about their religion.

    I’m no expert on the KORAN, but I can read and understand the 164 Jihad verses:
    Each of the 164 Jihad verses in this list was selected based on how clearly and directly it spoke about Jihad, at least when considered in its immediate context. Most of the listed passages mention a military expedition, fighting, or distributing war spoils. Verses NOT generally listed are those that speak about aspects of Jihad other than the raiding, fighting and looting, such as:

    Muhammad’s poor opinion of those who did not go on Jihad, even though they were able-bodied and able financially (for instance, some verses in K 009:081-096),
    The heavenly rewards for Jihadists, and
    The many generic mentions of “victory” found in the Koran.

    Such omitted verses can readily be found in proximity to the Jihad verses listed below.

    B. Related Issues

    Abrogation is a reoccurring topic whenever verses of the Koran are discussed. As a rule, later verses counseling Holy War, such the Sword Verse (K 009:005), abrogate earlier verses counseling tolerance and peace, such as K 002:256. The Sword Verse is just one of the 164 Jihad verses listed below. It follows that not many, if any, of the Holy War verses in this list are abrogated.

    The list gives the verses in the order they occur in the Koran, but this is not the chronological order the verses were written. To gain a deeper understanding of the verses, one can study these verses in chronological order, and also consult articles and commentaries for the historical context.


    ISIS are simply devout Muslims who follow the KORAN. Any reason and fact based individual can only come to this conclusion. PM Abbott does no public service by so obviously lying as have so many American politicians such as George Bush and Barack Obama concerning the true nature of Islam.

  10. Brown says:

    We will see what Quadrant say next issue, they tend to be to the point about Islam. Abbott is sucking a lemon and probably hates it as much as I hate the dishonesty.

  11. KG says:

    The loathsome scum of Australia’s ABC.
    Chris Kenny, writing in The Australian:

    ‘..Holding 17 people at gunpoint in Martin Place (a location recommended by Islamic State) and claiming to have bombs, he unfurled a jihadist banner, demanded an Islamic State flag, declared his attack was one by Islamic State against Australia and demanded to speak to the Prime Minister. He shut down a city, terrorised a nation and ensured two innocent people were killed.
    Yet via Twitter the ABC’s Green said the “connection” to the death cult was all “made up”.
    Disney claims there were some “deeply regrettable ­errors and exaggerations, spreading dangerous misinformation” in the media coverage. Perhaps he was referring to ABC profiles of the gunman that failed to mention Islam, Muslim or Islamic State and denied links to terrorism. But we fear not. Green, Disney and their ilk suggest the real threat comes from bigots in an anti-­Muslim backlash.
    Despite one arrest over a threatening call to a mosque, the people of our suburbs fail to fall to these ugly expectations. While the Twitterati offers to ride with Muslims, we can be grateful that Muslim men and women feel able to travel to Martin Place and lay down flowers in a show of shared grief with their fellow Australians.
    And it is worth noting that Jewish children whose schools are guarded by armed security, and who suffered violent abuse on a bus earlier this year, never triggered a hashtag.
    The political class may think it can choose its victims and its fears, but in the end, if they have the opportunity, terrorists will make those choices for us…’
    (subscription required)

    • Ronbo says:

      This is what happens in a country when Muslims are less than 5% of the population…Can you imagine the blood and death when the number hits 10%, 15%, 20%…

      I fear the Islamic Terror has just started in OZ. :cry:

  12. mawm says:

    Paul Weston’s advice to David Cameron should also be to Abbott, Harper and Key. Europe hopefully will sort themselves out as more and more people join the Dresden protests.

    Hat tip to Gates of Vienna

  13. tranquil says:

    Part of the definition of treason consists of “giving aid and comfort to the enemy”.
    If this jaw-droppingly stupid utterance of Abbott’s doesn’t give comfort to the enemy then nothing will.

    The problem is (of course) that Abbott and his PC-infested hangers-on don’t see Islam as the enemy. Then again, *ignorance is no excuse* (as I’ve often heard quoted in courts of law).

  14. PC says:

    The “double-think” is mind boggling. Next it will be: Islam (the murdering version 2.0) has nothing to do with Islam (the murdering version 2.1).

  15. Col. Bunny says:

    Since ISIS has everything to do with Islam, therefore Islam is not a religion according to Mr. Abbott. It’s a step in the right direction toward dealing with the political invasion. At least Australians can be spared any moaning about counter measures interfering with religious expression.