Killer virus spreading:

‘…The ideology of President Barack Hussein Obama is spreading like a cancer over the Free West and is now metastasizing. With Obama’s election team already running anti-Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and anti-Prime Minister Stephen Harper campaigns in Israel in Canada, Obama’s former constant companion Reggie Love has joined up with Obama’s 2012 campaign manager Jim Messina to steer the British Prime Minister David Cameron-led Conservative Party to election victory in May.‘  Link
This shows Cameron for what he is – no real conservative would be seen dead in the same room as these scumbags.

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6 Responses to Killer virus spreading:

  1. andy5759 says:

    Interesting statement in the linked article about strange bedfellows being thrown up in the drive towards a marxist/caliphate world. Makes us so much easier to push around. My next comments have been self-censored as they are really rather rude and serve no purpose.

  2. Darin says:

    It’s worth noting that both David Axlerod and James Carville were in Canada working for the left there last election.The good news is,they and their team lost big when Harper was elected.

    If anyone on the right sudden has a mistress or some sealed divorce documents suddenly emerge shortly before the election,that is the handy work of Axlerod.He’s done it several times before,most times the dirt was fabricated,but released several weeks before the election leaving not enough time for the candidate to recover thereby skewing the election.

  3. Ronbo says:

    Like I said before, we are witness to the birth of what Orwell called “Oceania” complete with Obama as Big Brother The First…

    Meanwhile Putin is busy invading the Ukraine and putting together the next big superpower “Eurasia”….

    While Chinese are in opening stages of the third great superpower, “Eastasia.”

    Oh, and don’t worry about Islam…

    One fine day their Leftists allies put the knife in their backs…

    This will be the day after the Left destroys Western Civilization and they have no further use for Islam.

  4. Dav343 says:

    You know how to stop a virus right? First you get out your rifle….