The imposter’s foreign policy explained:

Obama and the Muslim Gang Sign
Is President Obama a Muslim?  A lot has been written about this, but if photographs speak louder than words, then a photo taken at last August’s U.S.-African Leaders’ Summit in Washington D.C. might shed considerable light.
It shows Barack Hussein Obama flashing the one-finger affirmation of Islamic faith to dozens of African delegates.
The Associated Press took this astonishing photo as the African dignitaries joined Obama, who hosted the event, in a State Department auditorium for a group photograph.  It was published in an article in Britain’s Daily Mail, and it was the only use ever of the photo…’     (bold mine)

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8 Responses to The imposter’s foreign policy explained:

  1. Ronbo says:

    How about that. KG :?:


    “Yes, Virginia, Obama is REALLY a Muslim :!:

    ….and here I thought he was a Communist. :shock:

    I remember Rush Limbaugh saying back in 2009 that at some point the mask would fall off Obama and he would announce his side.

    It’s finally happened :!:

  2. Oswald Bastable says:


    • KG says:

      It is that. Yet Gallup shows the creep with a 50% approval rating! :shock:
      Something is seriously awry here.
      It shows that a President who is hell-bent on destroying the Republic is unstoppable by any legal means, protected by the media and special-interest groups.
      Of what use is the political process now?

      • Wombat says:

        What it shows is that the pollsters have gone full retard.

        The previous low numbers were believable to a degree. Now they’re just plain out-and-out, nose-on-your-face lies.

        It’s good news. More and more people are going to be shaken out of their mental shells. When a poll shows 50% approval and the man in the street says “waidaminnit, I don’t know a single person who likes that prick”, then it’s going to start opening their eyes to how things really are in world.

  3. Ronbo says:

    Gallup has it wrong :!:

    Only 49% of likely voters approve of Obama’s job performance.

    This would be the low I.Q. parasite half of the population. :mrgreen:


    The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 49% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Obama’s job performance. Fifty percent (50%) disapprove (see trends).

    The latest figures include 25% who Strongly Approve of the way Obama is performing as president and 38% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -13.

    Regular updates are posted daily at 9:30 a.m. Eastern (sign up for free daily e-mail update).

    A federal judge has temporarily halted the president’s executive order exempting up to five million illegal immigrants from deportation. Voters continue to view Obama’s immigration order as illegal and think Congress should try to stop it.

    The president is convening a summit at the White House today on “violent extremism,” but he will continue to avoid using the phrase “radical Islam” in the discussions.

    Voters say the president has not been vocal enough in criticizing the atrocities by the radical Islamic group ISIS. But by a narrow 46% to 41% margin, they agree with his recent statement that the use of religion to justify violence and killings “is not unique to one group or one religion” and his reference to the Crusades and slavery as examples of terrible deeds done “in the name of Christ.”

    Not that voters are letting all Muslims off the hook. Seventy-five percent (75%) agree that Islamic religious leaders need to do more to emphasize the peaceful beliefs of their faith, and 52% believe Islam as practiced today encourages violence more than most other religions.

  4. Ronbo says:

    “It is that. Yet Gallup shows the creep with a 50% approval rating! :shock:
    Something is seriously awry here.
    It shows that a President who is hell-bent on destroying the Republic is unstoppable by any legal means, protected by the media and special-interest groups.
    Of what use is the political process now?”

    The political process in America in regards to stopping Obama is currently out to lunch and the only thing that will stop America from going completely COMMIE at this point are EVENTS outside of any human’s control.

    Personally, I favor a revolution and blood purge of the traitors, but unfortunately revolutions do not have an “on” switch I can push. :cry:

  5. mistress mara says:

    Obama is not going to be seriously called out until his presidency is over. Too many people who know the truth are too frightened to state the obvious right now. All the MSM tippy-toe around this to some degree or the other, even Fox. I just wonder how much more damage he will achieve until then. And how history will record this.

    • Yokel says:

      But even then, will enough of the truth emerge?

      Surely there is plenty more about the Clintons that should have become public by now, but is instead still under wraps. That way the Clinton woman will get her two goes at being PoTUS & CinC as well. [For surely the outcome of the next US presidential election has already been decided, the only doubt is how it is to be achieved.]