‘Obama’s attack on American citizenship.’

‘It is hardly an exaggeration to state that the administration is taking gradual steps to eliminating the very concept of American citizenship. In fact, a recent White House conference call made it explicit that these new immigrants are not supposed to assimilate into American society, but instead establish their own ethnic communities within the United States.’

Colonel B. Bunny

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18 Responses to ‘Obama’s attack on American citizenship.’

  1. Ronbo says:

    I hate to be an Obama party pooper, but the new illegal aliens to America have been doing that for years…A recent article in the Seattle Times said the Somalis – just one example – fly to New York City as complete villages and have for at least the last ten years.

    Upon arrival in the Big Apple, the immigration people pack the very same Somali village on to a west bound flight and send them C.O.D. to the nice tolerant Leftists of the Seattle Soviet, where the local Leftist bureaucrats find them nice new apartment buildings near the airport and keep the folks from Somalia together in one community.

    WHAT A COUNTRY :!: :shock:

    ….and none of that there old talk about learning English and becoming taxpaying American citizens…I mean the Somali culture is as good as the American culture.

    The thing is that I was unaware the Somali culture offered lifetime free money, no work, free medical benefits, free food and a “Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free” if one of the villagers picks up a gun and shoots that nice young female Leftist social worker who suggested very politely they not kill and butcher their pet goat in the nice new apartment building.

    She should have known…It is a Somali cultural thing :!: :mrgreen:

  2. GW says:

    Hell, that’s the left’s entire schtick, to divide people into little subcategories of victims that are, at all costs, to maintain their victim group cohesion. That’s been the de facto playbook since the French Revolution, and the explicit playbook since Marx claimed that all of history was defined by conflict between oppressed groups and the (WASP) oppressors. And woe be unto the victim that tries to break out of their little spot on the left’s plantation.

    The real surprise here would be if the Obama administration had said anything about these new immigrants assimilating into the melting pot. That would have been an obvious lie.

    • Ronbo says:

      I agree….and if you want to go back further in history look at how a few Romans from the small city-state on the Tiber river, first conquered Italy – and then Western Europe, and then North Africa, and then the Middle East. :shock:

      Of course, the Romans – by means trials and experiments in endless wars – developed military superiority in Europe – but there was something else…

      It was the Roman policy of “Divide and Conquer” – After defeating the enemy in a few big battles, you move the Legions into a country and end any sense of nationalism and standing together against the Rome by a policy that favors some tribes over others. This makes fighting among tribes inevitable and puts the Romans in the position of umpire over conflicting claims.

      Thus a Roman military establishment that never numbered above 500,000 men conquered and ruled an area the size of the United States before the birth of Christ.

      …and this….dear Crusaders…is the same policy that a few Leftists use to rule upwards of billion Western people spread over half the globe….

      “Divide And Conquer” like socialism, is absolute monarchy 2.0 – an ancient – but highly successful means by which a small minority of self appointed rulers can conquer vast numbers of very different people all over the planet.

      Like the Bourbon rulers of old France, the modern socialist has forgotten nothing and learned nothing.

      Socialists are the ultimate reactionaries…the true CONSERVATIVES. :evil:

      • Col. Bunny says:

        Well, said. It’s amazing how small groups can control much larger groups. I hope there’s a too-clever-by-half aspect to all of this. Humans pride themselves on being able to conspire, finagle, manipulate, and control, but Creation is just too complicated for a few psychopaths and narcissists to get a handle on.

        That doesn’t mean we’ll get back anything like the glories of Western civilization when we didn’t put ourselves on the same footing as barbarians. It just means that events are not as predictable as some think. The S-21 prison in Phnom Penh was a gruesome affair but I think it is true that not a few of the 17,000 murdered there were themselves cadres of the Khmer Rouge. Elizabeth Becker wrote a good book on Cambodia that showed the KR first identified their enemy as Westernized intellectuals. Then, when they still had problems, they turned on each other and tried to root out “traitors.” Then, when that didn’t work, they decided the Vietnamese were the source of their difficulties. As we all know, there was sort of a failure of analysis in all three theories.

        Our own Treason Class has figured out that Western civilization is crap and that third-world savages are a necessary addition to any posh dinner party. Could that be a like failure of analysis? :roll:

        • Col. Bunny says:

          PS — There’s a link to Becker’s book just after name. Not visible to me and maybe not to you.

        • Wombat says:

          While we can take heart that the delusions of the progressives will eventually collapse the moronic societies the have created, I don’t intend on laughing at them from the afterlife while they add my skull to the mountain of skulls they have already collected.

          They claimed in the order of 100million last century. We have every right in this century to meet them with deadly force. No negotiation. No apologies. No warning shots. No mealy mouthed explanations or pleas to reach a middle ground.

          Death to all collectivists, from socialists to mohammedeans.

          • KG says:

            http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_good.gifhttp://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_good.gif Amen!

          • Col. Bunny says:

            Never discount the fury of a patient man! I think the average bloke throughout history just never had to deal with the elites telling him, “Oh, BTW. We’ll be bringing in [U.K.] 50,000 hostile primitives a month for the foreseeable future. Enjoy the honor killings, chivvying for an Islamic takeover, FGM, shariah bullshit, polygamy, bombings, beheadings, ravishing of our [your] women and girls, parallel courts, welfare parasitism, drain on the NHS, theft of your jobs, reduced standard of living, and crime. Just be patient. It will make sense in time.”

            A sane, patriotic man can’t help but be flummoxed. How does he process such betrayal that no people have ever had to endure ever before in history?

            And, yes, it’s the left that has done this with malice aforethought.

            Cometh the whirlwind.http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_yes.gif

  3. Ronbo says:

    Col. Bunny said:

    “Well, said. It’s amazing how small groups can control much larger groups. I hope there’s a too-clever-by-half aspect to all of this. Humans pride themselves on being able to conspire, finagle, manipulate, and control, but Creation is just too complicated for a few psychopaths and narcissists to get a handle on. ”

    The Bible covered this ancient tale well in “The Tower of Babel” which is clearly a failure to enslave the world by some long forgotten king and his lackeys, as well a warning to all those in the future who dream such dangerous dreams of world conquest.

    • Col. Bunny says:

      As the Bible teaches, there is nothing new under the sun. That’s a grand idea to bring to mind when a little perspective is in ordnung.

      Betrayal, surrender, treason are nothing new but I do think what I describe above just HAS to be first. Elizabeth I heard there was a black man in London and ordered him to be sent home or away. That might be the 15th-c. exercise of the Precautionary Principle that the left loves so.

      BTAIM, there was a ruler who would have thought today’s elites complete lunatics. Am I right? (Those medieval and early modern monarchs had a healthy vigilance on the topic of treason!)

      Now, fast forward to Cameron, Blair, Holland, The Freak, Merkel, the (gag) Swedes. They’re positively giddy at the idea of killing off their own people and Swedish harridans and pussies want boys to wear dresses, I kid you not. HMOG.

      Just when you think it’s safe to venture out to the pub again, some new absurdity crashes through the living room window.

      • Col. Bunny says:

        Correction: First sentence should read, “Indeed, and as the Bible also teaches….”

      • KG says:

        Mostly my reaction to those things nowadays is a resigned laugh, Colonel B. It’s safer than white-hot fury.

        • Ronbo says:

          I find myself doing the same thing, KG.

          This Leftist shit is getting so fucking unbelievable and STUPID that it is FUNNY :!: :mrgreen:

          IDIOTCRACY :!: Fucking IDIOTCRACY :!: :evil:

        • Col. Bunny says:

          Agreed. I’m to the point that I can’t freak out any more. If people can’t see what’s right there in front of their eyes, what additional true fact can anyone publish? I have a very dear lawyer friend who recently told me Obama can’t get anything done because he’s too conservative. Quote unquote. HMOG, chaps. My highly-educated and -intelligent engineer brother is a 9-11 Truther.

          And my views on the rule of law and the crimes of communists will persuade these people of what exactly? http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_wacko.gif

          • Wombat says:

            When the death camps are open for business watch the justifications roll off the tongue of the man-on-the-street like water off a duck’s back.

            “If they’d only done as they were told”.

            And just like the Germans, post ’45, they will proclaim, “we hadn’t a clue that there were camps just down the road and around the corner from us!”

            • KG says:

              And there will be no lack of those willing to don a hi-viz jacket, pick up a clipboard and help “organise” the herding into camps…….