Britain Surrenders

‘The phenomenon of Muslim rape gangs in Britain, and the unwillingness of law enforcement officials had of prosecuting them for fear of being tarred with charges of “racism,” is hardly summed up by the word “scandal” anymore. This isn’t just a scandal, it’s a surrender – a cultural and societal collapse unprecedented in human history..’
Some excellent comments under this article.

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11 Responses to Britain Surrenders

  1. Ronbo says:

    A successful putsch by Leftists and Islamists and overthrow of the greatest country in world history :!: :shock:

    ….and this accomplished without a bloody civil war :!: A Hitlerian “Bloodless Conquest”….First the putsch…next comes the tyranny :!: :sad:

    I hope the rest of the English speaking world has courage to at least raise the red banner of civil war and make a fight of it…At least DESTROY our countries and leave the enemy nothing but smoking ruins and dead bodies. :evil:

  2. G P says:

    I’ve had trouble with the link and had to search the website itself so copied it here:

    The first commenter Daniel has it right – a military dictatorship is their only hope plus immediate deportation of anyone of that faith.

    What the muslims are preaching is sedition so the military must move in.

    I’m sure they will find their jannah in an Islamic hellhole.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      That simply can’t happen until they surgically remove themselves from the metastasising cancer that is Europe. Until the people of the UK are offered a simple yes/no vote on Europe, and until they vote to exit the EU, they are bound by the ECHR and its ridiculous rules which allow hate-preachers to remain in England and spread their filth.
      That’s why UKIP is so desperately important to the future of the UK, and why the Euro-phile elites loathe Nigel Farage.

  3. Contempt says:

    “Racism” “Racist” = Pure insanity. Another term is “fear.”

  4. The Gantt Guy says:

    Serious question: where are the fathers? If there really have been a million young girls abused in this way by the filthy acolytes of the paedophile prophet (piss be upon him), then there should by rights be a million angry fathers armed with rusty knives, ready to non-surgically remove those kiddie-fiddlers’ appendages.

    • Ronbo says:

      You mean “The sperm donation giver” – don’t you :?:

      It’s sad to say but most of these girls come from homes without fathers and the mothers could care less about their kids as long as the welfare check is on time.

      The boys grow up to be drug addicted criminals.

      The girls grow up to be drug addicted whores.

      Always remember the sun never sets on the British Welfare State – regardless of how many generations are destroyed. :evil:

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        True enough, Ron. So the answer to my question “where are the fathers” is … “What fathers?”

        Thank you, Cultural Marxists, for sacrificing our daughters on the alter of your vile, evil creed.

        • Wombat says:

          The most peaceful solution is, as ever, secession.

          Brits. Australians. Americans. New Zealanders. Conservatives alike. All of them need to pick a jurisdiction within their nation and be willing to move there, bringing the means to enforce their secession with them.

          Blue water ports are worth double points. The Northern Territory would be the easiest in Australia, purely because of its low population, the drawback being that you’d have to move fast, since Canberra can override the laws of a territory whereas it can’t do likewise for a state. Western Australia is appealing due to its sheer geographical distance and resources but at 2.5million residents (and a lot of FIFO workers) you would have a tough time getting the numbers.

  5. mawm says:

    It is time for a Revolutionary Tribunal and a guillotine in Trafalgar Square, the time to line up the politicians, the left-wing aiders and abettors and the vile, filthy muslim rapists. There will be rivers of blood!

    • KG says:

      “There will be rivers of blood!”
      I wish!

      • Darin says:

        I still say a long fishing pier with a wood chipper at the end.Be rid of the vermin in a fast,efficient manner and feed the fish in the process.