Death by bureaucracy:

‘MINING billionaire Gina Rinehart has stepped up her criticism of governments for imposing too many costs on the mining sector amid a commodity price downturn.
…Ms Rinehart’s $US10 billion ($A13.19 billion) Roy Hill iron ore project, which is 76 per cent complete and is expected to begin shipping exports in six months, has had to satisfy more than 4,000 regulations and approvals, she said.’
Yesterday, Wabbit was talking to one of two guys who were clearing trees from powerlines on the road outside where we live. The worker was moaning about all the health and safety bullshit they were subject to and I mentioned that I was going to climb a tree and cut away some branches inside the property. He was horrified, and said “I didn’t hear that”.
What a profoundly depressing response, from a brainwashed adult..
The bureaucrats have us by the balls, folks and they are our real masters.

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6 Responses to Death by bureaucracy:

  1. Wombat says:

    There is no longer any lawful solution to the problem.

    We have seen that all attempts at deregulation (rare in and of themselves) are turned into political fodder of the most venomous kind.

    More of us every day come closer to the truth of the matter. That this will only get better when blood starts being shed.

  2. KG says:

    “There is no longer any lawful solution to the problem.”

  3. Mathew says:

    It’s not just the bureaucrats, much of the populace is happy to have a vice grip applied to their privates. Out where I live some business proposed a mine of some sort, within no time at all the local greenies, whackjobs and regular people have risen up, squealing and squawking about the environment and how we don’t need the jobs and whatever. The prospect of a couple hundred jobs is just casually dismissed as if job fairies flying around is a regular occurrence.

    Look at the CSG debacle, this state is about to run out of gas and yet people on the left and right are hellbent on kicking it all into the sea.

    The wailing about the privatization of our poles and wires, even though the libs are ahead in the polls, there is a sizable portion of people out there who don’t want it. The latest squeaking against it involves some stupid nonsense about – the chinese are coming. You’d think the hated chinese are going to take the stupid poles and run away back to china or something. And you’d be forgiven for thinking that all these people wake up every morning and go outside to fondle their local poles before heading off to work.

    Even if the libs win, there’s a vast number of nongs out there who are more interested in useless koala parks and banning every bloody thing they can think of. Bring back the waste, the gridlock, the @#$%ed up trains and buses, make the traffic worse for @#$*sakes they squeal.

    Lord please don’t let this state follow queensland and victoria back into the toilet.

  4. Cadwallader says:

    The real tragedy with Health and Safety Regulations is that you can be charged and fined for a breach of safety rules after the allegedly unsafe event despite your actions proving that you had not imperilled yourself or anyone else. To apply logic to this contrivance it means that it is the ENFORCEMENT of the rule which is now paramount and not the prevention of perillous conduct. The Hitlers march on unimpeded.

  5. dondiego says:

    @Mathew, In the canteen today there were anti-Lib power-scare fliers everywhere. Probably the local union bloke. -They drop large amounts of pro-Labor stuff from time to time.

    [I read Bolt’s column in oldmates Telegraph(?) after work yesterday, and although not directly connected/effected I suspect if they get in I will be]

    Also:Drill Baby, Drill :!: