On leftist groupthink

TransCat  from Francis Porretto

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3 Responses to On leftist groupthink

  1. tranquil says:

    Wonderful stuff!

    I’ve got a goodie – how about this –

    “It’s oppressive to call me a leftie – I actually identify as a moron”. :twisted:

  2. Darin says:

    My typical reply to a lefty when they get offended to something I say is “oooh,I’m sorry,f–k you!” :twisted:

    • tranquil says:

      Good stuff, Darin!

      *Honestly* – while the left are still dangerous, they are also *ridiculous* with their PC whining and their *hypocrisy*.

      Steadily and continually chipping away at them with ridicule is a *powerful* way to undermine them – especially when there is a mountain of truth in the ridicule thrown at them.

      Also remember the *massive* rise of charter schools in the US. Consider this – a fair few of the parents who are sending their kids to those schools will be poor Democrats. When the children come out they are very likely to both have conservative attitudes and to vote Republican.